
Title: Supporters and Opponents of the European Union: The Consequences of an Increasing Division in and for Europe (ProConEU)
General information:
- Homepage
- Duration: March 2020 to February 2023
- Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of the "Cohesion in Europe" funding line
- Collaborative partners: University of Mannheim (Prof. Hermann Schmitt), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Dr. Eftichia Teperoglou) and Newcastle University (Dr. Sebastian Popa)
Contents: The gap between supporters and opponents of the European Union (EU) has widened unmistakably in recent decades. Open European conflicts, such as the debate on Brexit and the question of how to deal with populist and politically extreme challenges, are no longer a rarity, but rather threaten to intensify them. The resulting process of alienation between EU member states and between individual states and supranational institutions is one of the greatest social and political challenges of our time. Within the framework of the ProConEU project, we are therefore investigating the division of European society on the basis of the content of party competition, the attitudes of the population and the communication between elites and citizens in order to grasp its strength, permanence and consequences of this division with regard to the future of the EU, European integration as well as liberal democracy in Europe in general.
The aim was to examine the extent to which a new transnational fault line manifests itself in party politics (political elites), the behaviour and attitudes of the electorate and the new social media (interaction between political elites and the population). The project will be presented at the meeting of the Standing Working Group of the Conference of European Affairs Ministers on 20 March 2024.

Presentation of the "ProConEU" project at the Conference of European Affairs Ministers
On 20 March 2024, the project "ProConEU - Proponents and Opponents of the European Union: The Consequences of an Increasing Divide in Europe" of the BMBF funding line "Cohesion in Europe" will be presented at the meeting of the Standing Working Group of the Conference of European Affairs Ministers. The aim of the project, led by Prof Dr Daniela Braun, was to investigate the consequences of increasing division in and for Europe in the areas of party politics, the behaviour and attitudes of the electorate and the new social media.
Journal articles
van der Brug, Wouter, Sebastian Popa, Sarah B. Hobolt and Hermann Schmitt (2021): Democratic support, populism, and the incumbency effect. Journal of Democracy, 32, issue 4, p. 131-145. more
van der Brug, Wouter, Sebastian Adrian Popa, Sarah B. Hobolt and Hermann Schmitt (2021): Illiberal democratic attitudes and support for European integration. Politics, 41, issue 4, p. 537–561. more
Book chapters
Braun, Daniela, Sebastian Adrian Popa and Hermann Schmitt (2021): The impact of Eurosceptic challenger parties of the left and right on party competition over Europe. S. 45-73 in: Maurizio Cotta, Pierangelo Isernia (eds.) The EU Through Multiple Crises: Representation and Cohesion Dilemmas for a “sui generis” Polity. London and New York: Routledge. more
Conference presentations
Carteny, Giuseppe (2022): Rally around my flag: Partisan dynamics of institutional confidence during the Covid-19 pandemic. [Italian Political Science Association (SISP) Conference, Rome, 08 to 10 September 2022]
Carteny, Giuseppe, and Hermann Schmitt (2022): Expressive voting and the 2019 EP Elections. [Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Annual Conference, Newcastle, 02 to 04 September 2022]
Carteny, Giuseppe, and Hermann Schmitt (2022): The ideological embedding of Euroscepticism. [2022 EUSA 17th Biennial Conference, Miami, FL, 19. to 21 May 2022]
Puleo, Leonardo, and Giuseppe Carteny (2022): Different aspects of the transnational cleavage: Assessing the evolutions of the structural anchorage. [2022 EUSA 17th Biennial Conference, Miami, FL, 19 to 21 May 2022]
Carteny, Giuseppe, and Hermann Schmitt (2022): The electoral geography of Euroscepticism. [79th Annual Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Conference, Chicago, IL, 07 to 10 April 2022]