Leo Dessani, M.Sc.

Research assistant, PhD candidate and lecturer


Saarland University

Room: Campus A5.4, Room 0.24

E-Mail: leo.dessani(at)uni-saarland.de

Phone: +49 681 302-5129

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PGP-Fingerprint: E699 CBDA 8DCC 200D B412 5570 4369 B62F 0DE0 D71C


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SHA-256 Fingerprint: F7:DD:49:52:F7:E2:50:BE:23:A6:2D:C5:16:2F:2E:4B:B3:6C:3E:65:93:1E:DB:A9:5B:E1:FB:0D:21:87:B7:E7

Personal information

  • Research asssistant at the chair of Legal Informatics at Saarland University and at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Previously, student assistant
  • Associate Lecturer for IT security and data protection at the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer
  • Associate Lecturer for IT security and secure software development at Reutlingen University
  • Master in Computer Science (University of Tübingen)
  • Bachelor in Media Informatics (University of Tübingen)

Research interests

  • Technical data protection (basics and application)
  • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
  • Security in computer networks and (web) applications
  • Usable Security & Privacy
  • Algorithms and (privacy) law


  • SuSe 2024:
    • Seminar „Legal consequences of IT security incidents" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
  • WiSe 2023/24:
    • Lecture „Secure software development“ (Reutlingen University)
    • Seminar „Legal consequences of IT security incidents" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
  • SuSe 2023:
    • Instructor and Tutor for the lecture „IT Forensics“
  • WiSe 2022/23:
    • Lecture „IT security Law" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
    • Seminar „Legal consequences of IT security incidents" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
  • SuSe 2022:
    • Lecture „IT security“ (Reutlingen University)
    • Instructor and Tutor for the lecture „IT Forensics“
  • SuSe 2021:
    • Instructor and Tutor for the lecture „IT Forensics“



  • "Von Bits zu Beweisen: Eintauchen in die Welt der IT-Forensik“, Research Days Informatics at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, June 2024
  • "A Privacy-Preserving Architecture for Collaborative Botnet Detection“, Promovierendenforum der SICHERHEIT 2024, Worms, April 2024
  • "Machine Unlearning and its Legal and Technical Implications“, ILPC Annual Conference 2023, London, November 2023 (with Nils Wiedemann)
  • "Multimedia-Forensik und der Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz“, Interest group Criminal Law of the Saarländischer Anwaltverein, Saarbrücken, October 2023
  • "Von Bits zu Beweisen: Eintauchen in die Welt der IT-Forensik“, Research Days Informatics at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, June 2023
  • "MTA Extension for User-friendly Enforcement of Mandatory TLS Encryption“, The 37th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2023), online, March 2023
  • "Federated Learning als Chance für datenschutzfreundliche KI?", Telemedicus Summer Conference, Berlin, July 2022 (joint talk with Maximilian Leicht)
  • "E-Mail-Verschlüsselung mittels GnuPG und das Web of Trust“, Tübix, Tübingen, June 2016 (gemeinsam mit Michael Weiss, Roman Schulte und Justin Humm), Link:  www.tuebix.org/2016/programm/michael-weiss-e-mail-verschluesselung-mittels-gnupg-und-das-web-of-trust/
