Leo Dessani, M.Sc.
Research Assistant, PhD Candidate and Associate Lecturer
Email: leo.dessani(at)uni-saarland.de
Campus A5 4, Room 0.24
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Personal information
- Research Asssistant and PhD Candidate at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and at the Chair of Legal Informatics at Saarland University. Previously, student assistant at the Chair of Legal Informatics.
- Associate Lecturer for IT security and data protection at the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer
- Associate Lecturer for IT security and secure software development at Reutlingen University
- Master in Computer Science (University of Tübingen)
- Bachelor in Media Informatics (University of Tübingen)
Research interests
- Technical data protection (basics and application)
- Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
- Security in computer networks and (web) applications
- Usable Security & Privacy
- Algorithms and (privacy) law
- WiSe 2024/25:
- Lecture „Secure software development“ (Reutlingen University)
- Seminar Juristisches Internetprojekt
- SuSe 2024:
- Seminar „Legal consequences of IT security incidents" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
- WiSe 2023/24:
- Lecture „Secure software development“ (Reutlingen University)
- Seminar „Legal consequences of IT security incidents" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
- SuSe 2023:
- Instructor and Tutor for the lecture „IT Forensics“
- WiSe 2022/23:
- Lecture „IT security Law" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
- Seminar „Legal consequences of IT security incidents" (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
- SuSe 2022:
- Lecture „IT security“ (Reutlingen University)
- Instructor and Tutor for the lecture „IT Forensics“
- SuSe 2021:
- Instructor and Tutor for the lecture „IT Forensics“
- "Von Bits zu Beweisen: Eintauchen in die Welt der IT-Forensik“, Research Days Informatics at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, June 2024
- "A Privacy-Preserving Architecture for Collaborative Botnet Detection“, Promovierendenforum der SICHERHEIT 2024, Worms, April 2024
- "Machine Unlearning and its Legal and Technical Implications“, ILPC Annual Conference 2023, London, November 2023 (with Nils Wiedemann)
- "Multimedia-Forensik und der Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz“, Interest group Criminal Law of the Saarländischer Anwaltverein, Saarbrücken, October 2023
- "Von Bits zu Beweisen: Eintauchen in die Welt der IT-Forensik“, Research Days Informatics at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, June 2023
- "MTA Extension for User-friendly Enforcement of Mandatory TLS Encryption“, The 37th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2023), online, March 2023
- "Federated Learning als Chance für datenschutzfreundliche KI?", Telemedicus Summer Conference, Berlin, July 2022 (joint talk with Maximilian Leicht)
- "E-Mail-Verschlüsselung mittels GnuPG und das Web of Trust“, Tübix, Tübingen, June 2016 (gemeinsam mit Michael Weiss, Roman Schulte und Justin Humm), Link: www.tuebix.org/2016/programm/michael-weiss-e-mail-verschluesselung-mittels-gnupg-und-das-web-of-trust/