Alumni mentoring
The alumni mentoring scheme brings together Saarland University students and alumni in an informal setting to discuss graduate employment options and career paths.
No matter what the subject area or academic discipline, we have access to a broad network of highly motivated and experienced mentors – all of whom faced and successfully overcame challenges both during their studies and after graduating. Our mentors are there to answer questions from students about how best to take those first important career steps towards a successful career. Questions like:
- Is my dream job really what I think it is?
- What areas should I focus on in my studies?
- How can I find my first career contacts?
- How do I go about organizing a work placement / internship in Germany or abroad?
- And what's the best way to get my career off to a good start?
On this page, we've put together everything you need to know about how to benefit from the alumni mentoring scheme and how to get involved.
The alumni mentoring scheme offers Saarland University alumni the opportunity to become a voluntary mentor to students currently enrolled at the university and to advise and guide them as they make the transition from university to the working world. The mentoring process is an informal one in which mentors support students by sharing valuable knowledge and insights about their own areas of professional expertise. Mentors and mentees are free to choose what they want to talk about.
Once you have registered, we will match you up with a suitable mentee and put you in contact with them. Mentoring can be undertaking in person or online. We recommend that mentors support students for one to two semesters.
The benefits of alumni mentoring:
- Gain new insights and new ideas
- Expand your managerial and advisory skills
- Undertake an enriching voluntary activity
- Saarland University alumnus or alumna
At least three years of professional experience
The alumni mentoring scheme enables students to benefit from the knowledge and experience of Saarland University alumni and can help students to identify and explore their own future career path.
Once you have registered, we will match you up with a suitable mentor and put you in contact with them. Mentoring can be undertaken in person or online. We recommend that mentors support students for one to two semesters. What you choose to talk about with your mentor is completely up to you.
Benefits for mentees:
Mentees have the valuable opportunity to connect with experienced mentors and to ask them questions about their careers and professional employment in an informal and relaxed setting. Questions like:
- What career opportunities are there for graduates in my subject area?
- Should I choose specific areas of specialization in my degree programme?
- How can I successfully transition from studying to the world of work?
- What is the best way to prepare for a specific job application?
Students can talk to mentors in an open and supportive environment about specific career opportunities and get advice on how best to realize them. Students can hone their existing skills, identify areas that need improvement and receive tailored support by interacting directly with experts from the relevant professional field.
- During the mentoring programme, mentees must be enrolled as a student or doctoral student at Saarland University.
Mentees must be at least 18 years old.
Who is the alumni mentoring scheme for?
The alumni mentoring scheme provides a forum in which current undergraduate and doctoral research students at Saarland University can talk to experienced graduates about transitioning from university to the world of work. The scheme is open to students and alumni in all subject areas.
We're always looking for new students and mentors who would like to join the scheme and become part of this growing international network.
- How time-consuming is the alumni mentoring scheme for students?
There is no specific time frame for the mentoring process. How often and for how long mentees are in contact with their mentors is something they decide together based on individual needs and interests. Mentors and mentees are free to choose whether they meet up in person or connect online. We recommend that mentors support students for one to two semesters.
- Who are the mentors?
The mentors are Saarland University graduates who have agreed to share their knowledge and experience with students, to help students acquire a work placement or internship or to assist them in some other way.
- Which subject areas and academic diciplines are covered by the mentors?
Our dedicated mentors cover the full spectrum of subjects at Saarland University and are experienced professionals working in a wide range of occupations and professional fields. Using the information supplied in the registration form, we will endeavour to connect students with mentors in the relevant subject area.
- I'm looking for contacts abroad. Is the alumni mentoring scheme for me?
We have an international network of mentors who, for instance, can offer advice on starting a career abroad or who can help students to find a suitable international work placement or internship. Please state in the registration form that you are interested in career, study or work experience opportunities abroad.

International alumni office
Aileen Maier
Student assistant
Tel.: 0681 302-2659