LL.M. German Law and Comparative European Law
The Institute for European Law is responsible for the management and implementation of the one-year master postgraduate course for foreign lawyers to introduce them to the German legal system and comparative law. Young foreign lawyers participate in the Institute's LL.M. postgraduate programme every year, not only from neighbouring European countries, but also from other parts of the world, such as South Africa, China, Japan, etc.The LL.M. German Law and Comparative European Law is an accredited programme.

LL.M. Infoveranstaltung 26.10.22
Frau Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Chiusi lud die LLM Studierende aus China, Kolumbien, Syrien, Chile und Thailand nach der Informationsveranstaltung zu einem gemeinsamen Abendessen ein. Es war ein sehr schöner Abend.