KIWi: KI-Simulationskorrekturen zur Laufzeitverlängerung von Windenergieanlagen (AI-enhanced simulation for lifetime extension of wind energy systems)
In near future, many wind turbines will reach the end of their certified lifetime, which is typically 20 years. Extending their operating license would improve the outcome of each turbine and, thereby, reduce their carbon footprint. Analyzing the potential for an extended lifetime can be based on estimating the remaining useful lifetime based on simulations. However, this requires a modified wind turbine model, such that a satisfying model accuracy can be kept despite a reduced complexity that is necessary for efficient simulation. Within the joint project KIWi, data-based and physics-based modeling techniques are combined to develop a model correction and to perform parameter identification of inexact models. This is a prerequisite for a more precise prediction of loads in wind turbines, by which, eventually, a lifetime extension can be realized.
Duration: ??? - ???
- Dr. Tobias Kluth (U Bremen)
- Dr.-Ing. Tobias Meyer (Fraunhofer-Insitut für Windenergiesysteme (IWES)