C. Collon und J. Rudolph, Zwei Beispiele für die Berücksichtigung von Symmetrien beim Reglerentwurf (Two Examples for the Application of Invariant Feedback Control), at - Automatisierungstechnik, 59, 540-551, 2011. pdf

C. Collon, J. Rudolph, and F. Woittennek, Invariant feedback design for control systems with Lie symmetries - a kinematic car example, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (Supplement), 312-321, 2011.

M. Bachmayer, H. Ulbrich, and J. Rudolph, Flatness-based control of a horizontally moving erected beam with a point mass, Mathematical and  Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 17, 49-69, 2011

A. Gensior, T.M.P. Nguyen, J. Rudolph, and H. Güldner, Flatness-based loss optimization and control of a doubly fed induction generator system, IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Tech., 19, 1457-1466, 2011.

N. Gehring, J. Rudolph, and F. Woittennek, Controllability properties and prediction-free control of linear systems with incommensurate delays, PAMM - Proc. in Appl. Mathem. and Mechanics, 11:809–810, 2011.