Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Our society faces challenges of a magnitude and variety rarely seen before. New technologies, pollution, migration patterns, to just name a few, result in increasing pressure to transform present business models, structures and processes to meet these challenges. Within the disciplines’ innovation management and entrepreneurship, many strategies and instruments were developed to design products, services, processes and structures to realize novel ideas and enable change. Still, in the face of ecological, social and digital transformation, the respective models and instruments appear to fall short in enacting change, appropriate to the speed and significance of our challenges. One answer for the call of an adapted approach is knowledge entrepreneurship. The new concept aims to empower individuals to seek and implement transformational change. The lecture introduces state of the art innovation adoption models and innovation barriers. Subsequently, participants learn more about the concept of knowledge entrepreneurship and several strategies, which are developed and tested for the purpose of striving for transformation, are scrutinized.
This course is intended for Master students or students within certification programs such as the Europaicum/Transform4Europe.
Organizational details
Date: Summer term 2024
Degree courses: Bachelor level / Master level / Certification program (e.g. Europaicum/Transform4Europe)
Scope: 4 SWS/6 CPs
Exam: To successfully pass the course, students must complete a project in which they apply the concept of knowledge entrepreneurship. The project result will be presented in a presentation and evaluated afterwards.
Date Kick-off meeting: 14/08/24 (2pm-5pm)
Language: English
Location: Online sessions
Number of participants: 6
Start of registration: 25/03/24 by (T4E-Partner university students)
or (Saarland University students, certificate "Europaicum" only)
In addition, please send an email to steffen.thul(at) including a brief description of your study program, home university and matrikel number (student number).
Please note: Registration begins on 25/03/24. Any applications received prior to this date will be ignored.
Learning objectives
The specific competencies students are expected to acquire in the process include:
(1) An understanding of the relevance and characteristics of innovation and the innovation adoption process,
(2) deep knowledge of knowledge entrepreneurship as instrument to foster transformation,
(3) the ability to consciously identify, evaluate and select opportunities for transformational change in one’s personal or professional environment
(4) the application of agile and/or design thinking approaches to purse identified opportunities.