Sustainable product Development / Agile project management for sustainability development

New product development is one of the key processes for enabling companies to compete in the market and startups to successfully establish themselves there.  There is a growing focus on the development of sustainable products, which is not only honoured but often even demanded by ever larger segments of society. The phenomenon is now further amplified by the digital transformation, which increases both complexity and potential through intensive data integration.

After attending the module "Sustainable product development" students will be able to use different tools and techniques to develop sustainable products. In particular, challenges and approaches are addressed which are gaining in importance due to the increasing importance of sustainability. In the module "Sustainable product development", strategies and approaches from agile project management and design thinking are presented, which are then applied in concrete application projects by students. In the context of prototype development, students become familiar with the latest technologies from additive manufacturing (CAD software, 3D printing, etc.). The goal of the course is to provide students with competencies for the independent development of new products.

This course is intended for Master students.

Organizational details

Date: This course will not be continued!

If you are interested, please apply for our product development course ‘BioTech Entrepreneurship’
Thank you very much.


Learning objectives

The specific competencies that students are expected to acquire in the process include:

(1) The ability to consciously choose, evaluate, and apply different decision-making strategies in the development of new products,

(2) an understanding of the relevance, characteristics, as well as application context of new product development technologies (CAD software, 3D printing, etc.),

(3) the application of agile project management techniques to prototype development,

(4) the use of design thinking for product realization.