Advanced Electronic Packaging / Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik II


If you would like to attend the lecture, please register by sending an email to Ms. Vera Winterhalder.

Important: Please use your university e-mail address. Please provide the following information when registering:

  • Name
  • Matriculation number
  • Number of semesters
  • Area of specialisation 


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Wiese

Aims / Competences to be developed

Based on selected publications from international journals or chapters from specialist books current developments in advanced electronic packaging, fundamental material-physical mechanisms in connection systems are to be presented in a lecture and discussed among the seminar participants. The aim of the event is to deal with topics beyond basic education as well as acquire skills in the presentation of scientific-technical issues.


  • Background of high pincounts
  • Electrical and Thermal Issues in Electronic Packaging
  • Specific Surfaces and Joining Technologies
  • Area Array Components
  • Bumping Technologies and Flip-Chip-Packages
  • From Ball Grid Array Packages to Chip Size Packages
  • Chip Stacking and other System in Package approaches
  • Green Packaging Technologies


Wednesday, 12:00 - 14:00 h
xx.xx.2025 - xx.xx.2025
Building A5 1, room -1.22 (lecture hall II)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Wiese


Wednesday, 14:00 - 15:00 h
Building A5 1, room -1.22 (lecture hall II)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Wiese


ATTENTION! The exam has been postponed from Tuesday 18.03.2025 to Friday 14.03.2025.

The oral examination will take place on Friday 14.03.2025 from 10:00 a.m. in building C6 3 room 4.01. Appointments by arrangement. 

Please note that it is necessary to register for this exam at least one week before the date via your log-in. If that is not possible please sign in at the exam secretariat:

Gemeinsames Prüfungssekretariat der NTF der UdS
Gebäude E1 3, Raum 202
Telefon: +49 (0) 681 302 5003

  • Tasks are solved on exercise sheets provided by the chair
  • Calculators are provided (CASIO FX-82Solar II)
  • Exercise sheets must be completed in ink