Maria Gahn, LL.M.

Member of the scientific staff (and project Digital Forensics)
Building C3 1, Room 1.09
Tel.: +49 681 302-4951
Publications and conferences
- Private accessory prosecutors and their influence on German criminal proceeding, in: Megumi Ochi/Renata Barbosa/Luyuan Bai. Victim-Centered Criminal Justice, RIDP-libri 2024.
- Abuse Process including (Cyber) Grooming and Online Sexual Solicitation, in: Gert Vermeulen/Nina Peršak/Stéphanie De Coensel (eds.), Researching the boundaries of sexual integrity, gender violence and image-based abuse, RIDP 95.2 (2024), p. 299–322, online:
- Ransomware. Klausur – together with Dominik Brodowski –, in: AL 2021, p. 224–230
- Gerangel um den Impfstoff. Strafrechts-Examensklausur zum Betrugs- und Urkundenstrafrecht – together with Dominik Brodowski –, in: Jura 2022, p. 768–767
- Schnittstellen, Übergänge und Grenzen zwischen Strafrecht und Polizeirecht, Saarland University 2023 (organisation and participation)
- 17th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology 2022: presentation “Cyber grooming. Types of offenders and victims – and the grooming process” as well as moderation of the penal
- FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, workshop “Need to reform the legal framework in IT security research and responsible disclosure policies” (participation)
- Summer 2024: EKK with personal exam coaching (together with Philipp Blume, Julia Reichmann and Christoph Zoller)
- Winter 2023/24: Kolloquium zum Strafrecht AT
- Summer 2023: Ferien-EKK 22.07.23
- Winter 2022/23: Tutorium Strafrecht III
- Summer 2022: Tutorium Strafrecht AT II
- Summer 2021: Ferien-EKK (together with Christina Ost)
- Winter 2021/22: AG Strafrecht AT I
- Winter 2021/22: Kolloquium zum Strafrecht AT
- Winter 2020/21: Ferien-EKK
- Winter 2020/21: AG Strafrecht AT I