
Language Science BA: student experience

Christin Weiß has completed her studies in “Language Science” BA, an interdisciplinary study programme that combines linguistics, language technology and practical aspects of German and two foreign languages. In this article, Christin shares her experiences.

More about Christin


Language Science BA: insight into the study programme

The Language Science BA is the perfect choice for those willing to acquire a broad and at the same time specialised training in linguistics. This study programme is practice-oriented and offers four elective areas: European languages, translation, language processing and phonetics.

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Translation Science and Technology MA: insight into the study programme

The innovative Translation Science and Technology MA focuses on the newest developments in language technology and rapid progress of machine translation, which are integrated into the curriculum.

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Computational Linguistics BSc: student experience

Anna Spasiano is a student on the Computational Linguistics BSc, a study programme in which linguistics and informatics overlap. She shares her experiences in this article published in the “campus” online magazine.

More about Anna


Language Science and Technology MSc: insight into the study programme

In Language Science and Technology master study programme, students can put the focus on various fields of language processing such as computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, phonetics and speech science or speech technology.

Video on YouTube



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ACL 2024 Awards for LST Contributions!

Two contributions from our department were awarded…


There have been changes to the administrative team of the Erasmus Mundus Master's degree program…


We are pleased to announce that Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb has been elected President of the Spe…


We are proud to announce that the paper
"AAdaM at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Augmentation and…


The 33rd edition of the Conference for Computational Linguistics Students (TaCoS) was…


On June 13, 2024 the president's office awarded PD Dr. Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb the title "…


We are very proud to announce that the MA programme ‘Translation Science and Technology’ has…


Starting from the winter term 2024/25, the M.A. programme “Translation Science and Technology”…


In collaboration with the National High Performance Computing (NHR), Saarland University will…


We are proud to announce that the paper "When your Rich Cousin Has the Right Connections:…
