The idea behind it
For a long time now, there has been agreement at universities as to the significance of writing as a key competence for students and scholars alike. Furthermore, it is considered an indispensable requirement for professional success.
However, academic writing is a craft, and it needs to be learned. It does not just fall into your lap, and only very few are ‘born to write’. Many people wish for professional guidance, friendly consultation, or helpful feedback when it comes to their questions about writing assignments – which can range from concise minutes to structured term papers and extensive final theses.
Out of the desire to meet these diverse needs as precisely as possible, the idea finally arose to bundle, make visible and publicise all the previously decentralised offers, but also new initiatives for academic writing at the UdS in one central platform.
The website that came into being as a result of all this is supposed to give advice-seeking people a brief overview of the diverse services offered – further information can thus easily be found and are just a few clicks away.
A cooperation of:
- Border Studies
- Graduiertenprogramm GradUS
- GRK Europäische Traumkulturen
- ISZ Saar | Internationales Studienzentrum Saar
- Fakultät P: Fachrichtung Anglistik und Amerikanistik
- Fakultät P: Fachrichtung Germanistik, Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache (DaF/DaZ)
- Fakultät P: Fachrichtung Romanistik
- Fakultät P: Referat Lehre und Studium
- SULB - Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
- Personalentwicklung der UdS
- ZelL-ZeSH - Zentrum für lebenslanges Lernen und Hochschuldidaktik