Hussain, T.; Frey, G.:
IEC 61499 SIFBs for the NETMASTER network-enabled controllers.
JPA² Technical Report 01/2004, July 2004.
- Advances in hardware and fieldbus communication had brought modern industrial automation systems at a place where the developers of that field found the modeling and development complex enough to be solved with the help of the existing tools. IEC 61499 evolved principally to provide a generic distributed modeling platform which can in one hand simplify the modeling of distributed systems and on the other hand diminish the differences between business system and industrial system software modeling. This technical report shows how IEC 61499 can model a flexible and reconfigurable distributed application. Moreover, a particular realization of the application deployed on a network-enabled controller is also shown. For this realization the NETMASTER controllers are used. To access the NETMASTER hardware in a 61499 environment a number of Service Interface Function Blocs (SIFBs) are developed and described in the report. A prospective generalization of the developed system is depicted which consists of network-enabled controller nodes on which implemented codes of the IEC 61499 model can be deployed.
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