Menke, C.; Gebauer, M.; Jonas, D.: Optimization of Large-scale Solar Thermal Systems for Student Dormitories in Germany. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES), 12p, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2011.
In Germany buildings that undergo major renovation need to include the use of renewable energy in their energy system. Under normal circumstances around 15% of the total building energy demand shall be deployed, e.g., from solar energy. In the last three years several large-scale solar thermal systems for student dormitories were designed and installed in Trier (Germany), in close cooperation with the solar centre of excellence of the university. The solar systems are operated by the management of the student dormitories. Their system performance can be monitored online. First, the paper describes the selected system concepts and the required approval process for getting state subsidies, then secondly the approach how to realize them among others with the help of local handicapped people, who manufacture collectors with solar keymark label. Thirdly it describes the system operation, the monitoring process and finally the way how such systems can be optimized using online monitoring systems and simulations with TRNSYS. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate, how large-scale solar thermal systems are currently planned, installed and operated in Germany and what kind of tools can be applied to ensure that they deliver the solar yield which was predicted in the simulation before.