
Bauer, P.; Siegwart, C.; Felgner, F.; Frey, G.: "OWLracle" - Entscheidungsunterstützung bei Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen im Bestand. Proceedings of the Kongress Facility Management, ISBN 978-3-86359-289-9, pp. 104-113, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Mar. 2015.



At Saarland University a tool named OWLracle is developed to support decisions concerning energy efficiency methods to be taken at university properties in operation. Main part of this tool is to predict the property energy consumption with respect to the user behavior. Therefore, the impact of methods to influence the occupants psychologically or by monetary incentives can be evaluated as well as the impact of building automation. This paper defines typicals for German university buildings, rooms and users. It highlights the software implementation of this evaluation tool. Finally it presents the results of a simulation of 27 scenarios.

Keywords: Energy efficiency; University properties; Building simulation