List of Topics

Available Topics


Unfortunately, there are no available topics at the moment. However, we are happy to provide you with the opportunity to find a suitable topic individually. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Andreas Kilian. via email.

Please already include your application documents (short CV, current list of grades) in your email and provide us with further relevant information (e.g. idea of a topic (if available), planned start of your thesis / drawing date).

Please also note the information on the thesis process at our junior professorship.


Unfortunately, there are no available topics at the moment. However, we are happy to provide you with the opportunity to find a suitable topic individually. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Andreas Kilian by email.

Please already include your application documents (short CV, current list of grades) in your email and provide us with further relevant information (e.g. idea of a topic (if available), planned start of your thesis / drawing date).

Please also note the information on the thesis process at our junior professorship.