Event archive

SFB1027 Seminar

Sarah Loos (Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge)
"About phases and fluctuations induced by nonreciprocal interactions"
Time: 14:00
Location: Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04
Short talks:

  • Hugues Meyer: "Alignment interaction and band formation in assemblies of auto-chemorepulsive walkers"
  • Galia Magela Montalvo Bereau & Shweta Nandakumar: "Pretubulysin: A potent microtubule depolymerizing agent that improves T-cell searching"

Host: Dr. Philipp Hövel

Graduation ceremony 2023 (WS23)

The ceremony will take place as Absolventenfeier der Fakultät NT. Congratulations to all gradutes! and good luck for the future careers!
Program of the graduation ceremony: Absolventenfeier der Fakultät NT.


Symposium of NT faculty 2023

The annual event takes place as Symposium der Fakultät Naturwissenschaft und Technik:
Location: Aula (UdS)
Date: Wednesday (15.11.) und Thursday (16.11.)
Time:  13:00


Chemistry Day 2023

The ceremonial act on the 75th anniversary of Chemistry at Saarland University and re-opening of the renovated building for lectures (C4 3) took place as Tag der Chemie.
Nähere Further infromationenand registration


Cell Physics 2023

The “Cell Physics 2023“ will take place at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, 10-13 October 2023 as in-person format. This time, it is jointly organized by the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ, DGZ Annual Meeting) and the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1027 “Physical modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems“ and continues the series of conferences, which already took place five times, in 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2021. It is intended to be an interdisciplinary platform for scientific exchange between participants from cell biology and biophysics, both represented in roughly equal numbers.


Ceremonial act for laying of the foundation stone (Biophysics building) of Saarland University

The Ministerium für Inneres, Bauen und Sport invites to a Ceremonial act for laying of the foundation stone (Biophysics building) on Saarbücken Campus on 18. Juli 2023:
Impressions of the ceremonial act


Graduation ceremony 2023 (SS23)

The ceremony took place as Absolventenfeier der Fakultät NT. Congratulations to all gradutes! and good luck for the future careers!
Program of the graduation ceremony: 

Impressions of the cermonial act SS 2023

Physikalisches Kolloquium: Claudius Gros

Claudius Gros
Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main
"From human to artificial brains? On the foundations of generative AI"
Gastgeber: Dr. Philipp Hövel