
Recent news

Prof. Dr. Manfred Lücke, R.I.P.

The death has occurred of our esteemed colleague, Prof. Dr. Manfred Lücke (*15.11.1944, ✝19.04.2024). 
Our thoughts are with his family and friends. We will honor his memory and ground-breaking work on Spattern formation, nonlinear dynamics and ferrofluids.
Orbituary in Saarbrücker Zeitung


New DFG Priority Program for Cell Biology

Sandra Iden is coordinating an interdisciplinary joint project in the fields of cell and developmental biology, biophysics, structural biology, and genetics. The DFG Priority Program entitled "Heterotypic Cell-Cell Interactions in Epithelial Tissues" (SPP 2493, HetCCI) is scheduled to start in 2025. A total budget of around 5.7 million euros is available for the first funding phase. 
Press release from Saarland University (19.4.2024, in German)



Ludger Santen starting his presidency

Manfred Schmitt's term as president of Saarland University ends after 7 years. Ludger Santen, Professor for Theoretical Physics and director of the Center for Biophysics, will start his term on April 1, 2024.

Press release of Saarland University of March 26, 2024 (in German).



Robert Ernst elected as new Vice-President for Research and Societal Responsibilit

The senate of Saarland University elected Professor Robert Ernst as new Vice-President for Research and Societal Responsibility. Congratulations and much success!

Press release of Saarland University of March 20, 2024 (in German)..




Successful first-stage proposal on AI-empowered drug discovery and development

On February 2, the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat, WR) announced which initiatives for new Clusters of Excellence will be invited to submit full proposals. Saarland University (UdS) has successfully cleared this first hurdle with its proposal "nextAID³ - Next Generation of Cl-driven Drug Discovery and Development".
Press release of Saarland University (2.2.2024, in German)


Ludger Santen elected as President of Saarland University

Ludger Santen, Professor forr Theoretical Physics (Saarland University) and director of the Center for Biophysics, has been elected to be become the President of Saarland University. His term will start on  April 1, 2024.
"I would like to expand the topic of sustainability, which is already part of cross-faculty research issues. This includes research into new materials, energy storage and the circular economy, to name just a few examples," says Ludger Santen. Here, as with many other topics, he would like to see committed colleagues. "I want to encourage people at both university locations to show the courage to take the initiative and I want to support this to the best of my ability."

Press release of Saarland University from December 1, 2023 (in German).




Vesicles driven by dynein and kinesin exhibit directional reversals without regulators

Intracellular vesicular transport along cytoskeletal filaments ensures targeted cargo delivery. In our recent publication in Nature Communications,  we - together with the group of Stefan Diez (TU Dresden) - demonstrate that a minimal system, comprising purified Dynein-Dynactin-BICD2 (DDB) and kinesin-3 (KIF16B) attached to large unilamellar vesicles, faithfully reproduces in vivo cargo motility, including runs, pauses, and reversals.
Ashwin I. D’Souza, Rahul Grover, Gina A. Monzon, Ludger Santen & Stefan Diez: Vesicles driven by dynein and kinesin exhibit directional reversals without regulators. Nat. Commun. 14, 7532 (2023).



Emmy Noether Program: Oskar Staufer to decode the camouflage strategies of cancer cells

Emmy-Noether-Group: Oskar Staufer 
Oskar Staufer secured a prestigious Emmy-Noether grant including funding of 2.4 Million Euro to boost his research on the analysis of biophysical adaptation mechanisms in the tumor-immune microenvironment using synthetic cell systems. Congratulations!
Press release of Saarland University of 10.11.2023 (in German)