
The UdS Card serves primarily as a secure access medium to the service systems used in the central administration at Saarland University. It is therefore not used as a storage medium for personal information.

There are 16 sectors on the chip which can be used by the individual background systems. To acess one of them, an individual key is required. Also, they are sealed off from each other. Only the relevant information required for the respective application, such as the electronic wallet or the connection to the library, is stored in each sector. This ensures that no connections can be made between these background systems via the chip card. For example, it is not possible for the Studierendenwerk to access student registration or personnel numbers and thus link the type or amount of purchased items to a particular person.

Data printed on the card:

Card serial number, passport photo of the card owner, first name, last name, title.

Data stored on the Mifarechip:

Card serial number, card sequence number, personnel number, library number, 4-digit PIN, PKZ (indicating the Studierendenwerk price group for meals in the Mensa), faculty/institution/administrative section (to assign transactions to individual institutions ) and electronic wallet balance (in euros and cents). The functionalities you use and your user rights are stored in the respective independent background systems.

Data stored in the card management system:

Physical card serial number, card sequence number, student registration number or personnel number, period in which the card is valid, blocking notice, PKZ (student, staff member, guest...), date of creation of the card.

Only the university administration has access to this information. If you would like to check this information, please refer to the Card Issuing Office.

The terminals and the other hardware components of the chip card system are located in the administration's subnet, which is separated from the public network by a firewall. There is no direct connection between the card management system and the background systems (i.e. personnel administration), except for when a new card is printed. At that moment, only very specific transactions are forwarded; no direct connection is established. If you use time tracking, your clock-in/clock-out times registered at the time recording terminals are anonymized and regularly transmitted to the SAP system, where they are processed.

Weitere Hinweise

Die Benutzer der UdS-Card haben nach Art. 15 DS-GVO Anspruch auf Auskunft über die zur Person gespeicherten Daten sowie auf Berichtigung, Löschung und Sperrung der zur Person gespeicherten Daten nach Maßgabe der Art. 16, 17 DS-GVO. Ferner können Einwände gegen die Verarbeitung der zur Person gespeicherten Daten in Form des Rechts auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung (Art. 18 DS-GVO) und des Recht auf Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung (Art. 21 DS- GVO) geltend gemacht werden.

Diese Ansprüche sind schriftlich gegenüber dem Vizepräsidenten für Verwaltung und Wirtschaftsführung der Universität des Saarlandes geltend zu machen. Weiterhin steht jedermann ein Beschwerderecht bei der Landesbeauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit zu:

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66111 Saarbrücken
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