
Publications of Danny Jonas



Journal Papers and Book Chapters

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Jonas, D.; Lämmle, M.; Theis, D.; Schneider, S.; Frey, G.: Performance modeling of PVT collectors: implementation, validation and parameter identification approach using TRNSYS. Solar Energy, ISSN 0038-092X, Vol. 193 (2019), pp. 51-64, Nov. 2019. <DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2019.09.047>

Jonas, D.; Frey, G.; Theis, D.: Simulation and Performance Analysis of Combined Parallel Solar Thermal and Ground or Air Source Heat Pump Systems. Solar Energy, ISSN 0038-092X, Vol. 150 (2017), pp. 500-511, Jul. 2017.<DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2017.04.070>

Jonas, D.; Theis, D.; Felgner, F.; Frey, G.: A TRNSYS-Based Simulation Framework for the Analysis of Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Systems. Applied Solar Energy, ISSN 0003-701X, Vol. 53, No. 2 (2017), pp. 126-137, Apr. 2017.<DOI: 10.3103/S0003701X17020074>

Conference Papers

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Jonas, D.; Theis, D.; Frey, G.: Implementation and Experimental Validation of a Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) Collector Model in TRNSYS. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry (EuroSun2018), ISBN 978-3-9820408-0-6, pp. 798-809, Rapperswil, Switzerland, Sep. 2018. <DOI: 10.18086/eurosun2018.02.16>

Meiers, J.; Jonas, D.; Bernat, M.; Frey, G.: Modellbasierte Analyse von Photovoltaiksystemen mit Batteriespeichern zur Deckung des Strombedarfs von Gebäuden. Proceedings of the Kongress Automation 2018, VDI-Berichte 2330, ISBN 978-3-18-092330-7, VDI Verlag, pp. 921-932, Baden-Baden, Germany, Jul. 2018.

Theis, D.; Jonas, D.; El jeddab, A.; Schneider, S.; Rückert, F.; Frey, G.: Solare Wärmepumpensysteme mit PVT-Kollektoren und Stromspeicher auf dem HiL-Prüfstand. Proceedings of the 2018 Symposium Solarthermie, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, Jun. 2018. 

Jonas, D.; Frey, G.: Model-based Analysis of the Performance and the Environmental Impact of Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Systems. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC2018), pp. 1-6, Hammamet, Tunisia, Mar. 2018. <DOI: 10.1109/IREC.2018.8362569>

Jonas, D.; Theis, D.; Meiers, J.; Frey, G.: Model-based analysis of solar thermal and heat pump systems using TRNSYS. Proceedings of the 2017 ISES Solar World Congress (SWC2017) and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC2017), ISBN 978-3-981 465 9-7-6, pp. 2216-2227, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Oct. 2017. <DOI: 10.18086/swc.2017.33.05>

Jonas, D.; Theis, D.; Felgner, F.; Frey, G.: A User-friendly Simulation Framework for the Analysis of Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Systems using TRNSYS. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC2017), pp. 1-6, Amman, Jordan, Mar. 2017. <DOI: 10.1109/IREC.2017.7926052>

Altgeld, H.; Jonas, D.; Schmidt, C.; Mahler, M.: Solarthermische Nutzung der Gebäudefassade durch integrierte Absorberelemente. Proceedings of the 23. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, Apr. 2013. 

Menke, C.; Gebauer, M.; Jonas, D.: Optimization of Large-scale Solar Thermal Systems for Student Dormitories in Germany. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES), 12p, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2011.

Others: Reports, Messages, Conference Reports, Poster Presentations

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Jonas, D.:  Visualization of energy flows in PVT systems. A visualization scheme for the uniform representation of combined electrical and thermal energy flows in PVT systems. Report D4, IEA SHC Task 60 PVT Systems. International Energy Agency, Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, May 2019. <DOI: 10.18777/ieashc-task60-2019-0001>

Jonas, D.; Frey, G.: Using TRNSYS for Simulation of Energy Systems at Saarland University. Poster Presentation at the TRNSYS Experience Seminar 2016, Kaiserlautern, Germany, Feb. 2016.

Altgeld, H.; Jonas, D.; Luther, G.; Schmidt, C.: "LEXU 2" - Einsatz von außenliegender Wandtemperierung bei der Gebäudesanierung. Poster Presentation at EnOB-Symposium Energieinnovationen in Neubau und Sanierung (EnOB 2014), Essen, Germany, Mar. 2014.