Vassanji, M.G. (Moyez)

About Vassanji

Vassanji's personal homepage: provides a biography, personal thoughts about his books and references to recent articles of interest


Deonandan, Ray. Review of the Book of Secrets by M.G. Vassanji. The Podium, 1999 (Sept 6).

Silman, Roberta. Living 'In Between' in Chaotic 1950's Kenya (Rev. of The In-Between World of Vikram Lall). The Boston Globe, 2004 (Oct 10).

O'Hagan, Sean. In the Shadow of the Mau Mau (Rev. of The In-Between World of Vikram Lall). The Observer, 2004 (Oct 3).

Habila, Helon. Memories of Mau Mau (Rev. of The In-Between World of Vikram Lall). The Guardian, 2004 (Sept 18).

Banerjea, Sravan. American Graffitti (Rev. of Amriika). OutlookIndia, 2000 (July 10).

Singh, Khushwant. Pyre in the Graveyard (Rev. of The Assassin's Song). OutlookIndia, 2007 (Aug 13).

Foden, Giles. Keeper of the Shrine (Rev. of The Assassin's Song). The Guardian, 2008 (Sept 6).

Padmanabhan, Manjula. A Place Within (Rev. of A Place Within). OutlookIndia, 2009 (April 15).


Mpeli, Nsekela. M.G. Vassanji's Renowned Writer's Love for Tanzania. 2010 (Jan 25).

Rhodes, Shane. M.G. Vassanji: An Interview. SCL/ÉLC (Vol. 22/2), 1997.


Malak, Amin. Ambivalent Affiliations and the Postcolonial Condition: The Fiction of M.G. Vassanji. World Literature Today, Vol. 67, No. 2, Spring 1993. Provided by JSTOR.

Toron, Alison. Refusing to Tell: Gender, Postcolonialism, and Withholding M.G. Vassanji's The Book of Secrets. Postcolonial Text, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2009.

Davis, Rocio G. Negotiating Place: Identity and Community in M.G. Vassanji's Uhuru Street. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 30:3, July 1999.

Mount, David. Dealing With Another Culture's Ghosts: Mariamu, Diaspora and Contact Zones in M.G. Vassanji's The Book of Secrets. Postcolonial Text, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2009.

Audio and Audiovisual Material

Trailer and information on Cogent/ Benger Productions: The In-Between World of M.G. Vassanji - a one-hour documentary on Vassanji which can also be ordered on the page

Vassanji talks about his book A Place Within: Rediscovering India in which he looks at the reality of modern India and his own ancestry. You can watch the youtube link.

In this video interview, bestselling author M.G. Vassanji talks about where his ideas come from, and the burden of tradition in his novel, The Assassin's Song. You can watch the youtube link.

Two-time Giller winner M.G. Vassanji talks to Joseph Planta about his novel, The Assassin's Songin an audio interview.  26 September 2007. Listen to it here.

Audio interview by Nigel Beale (2009): Vassanji responds to attacks on Giller Prize, and his writing.




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