Summer Term 2015

Veranstaltungen im Sommer Semester 2015

HS:Reading a Transcultural Anglophone Text: Rhys and Wide Sargasso Sea

Professor Dr. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn

DO 16:15-17:45, Geb. C5 3 Raum 1.20


Why are certain texts categorized as being "transcultural"? Do they call for a particular contextualization while reading? We will be looking closely at our case-study, Wide Sargasso Sea, while paying attention to its socio-cultural aspects, its intertextual creative agenda, and the contested fame of its author. This seminar seeks to induct participants into the narratological and cultural skills conducive to appreciation of a meanwhile classic TAS text.


HS: Re-Making "Cinderella" Across Cultures

Professor Dr. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn&lt

MI 14:15-15:45, Geb. C5 3 Raum 1.20

"Cinderella" is generally regarded as the most-loved and best known fairy tale, with around 700 documented versions. We will be looking at some of these versions – in folk tale anthologies as well as in recent films – in order to try and discover why this cross-cultural narrative continues to fascinate readers/spectators in contemporary re-tellings of this particular story.

Anthologized stories will be made available as part of this seminar's online course materials.


Cinderella (Walt Disney, USA 1950)

Bend it Like Beckham (dir. Gurinder Chadha, UK 2002)

Run, Milkha, Run (dir. R. O. Mehra, India 2013)

Cinderella (dir. Kenneth Branagh, UK 2015)

Vorlesung: The Ocean of Stories: Tales and Cultural Templates

Professor Dr. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn

DO 14:15-15:45, Geb. B3 2 Hörsaal 0.03

No story comes from nowhere; new stories are born from old – it is the new combinations that make them new.’ (Salman Rushdie)

Where is the "Ocean of Stories" to be found, and who does it belong to? What kind of tales do different cultures choose to tell – what makes them relevant? Are there 'perennial favourite’s that robustly flower in a wide array of geographically distant cultures? Can every single story be transported and transposed to another culture? What is then 'lost in translation' (to use a still-useful cliché); what is gained? Are there exceptions? Do cultures have specific templates with which they can more easily identify?  Or is this concept itself a tall tale? Taking as our material stories from various cultural spheres, we will be addressing these and further questions in the course of this summer lecture series.

Kolloquium (B.A., M.A. u. Lehramt): Studying TAS

Prof. Dr. Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn


All TAS students in the semi-final stages of their studies are encouraged to attend.

Those intending to take any part of their final examinations in TAS are strongly advised to participate in this colloquium a semester prior to the final run through. Those students starting out / meanwhile engaging with their written academic work, i.e. those doing an M.A. or a B.A. thesis, are also expected to attend and therewith to present their work to peer-review.

The colloquium's focus is on developing study skills while providing on-going guidance during exam preparation. Further, it provides a supportive forum for presenting theses-in-progress and mock exams, all within the frame of engaging with the application of TAS theory parameters to selected texts.

PS Media Studies / Cultural Studies TAS: Australian Culture and Identity: Self-representation Within Films

Dr. Anna Maria Lemor

Mo 10:15-11:45, Geb. C5 3 Raum U13 (-1.13)


Australia is a complex polycultural nation with a history of a “white Australia” policy; a place with distinctive local traditions intertwined with global cultural trends; an open and friendly country, however, with rather strict State control; and a highly urbanized landscape where individuals fancy the “Outback”.

This course strives to make sense of Australian society and culture by exploring the complexities and contradictions in Australia’s self-image within films. In particular, we will focus on the relationship between Australian settler and Aboriginal cultures.

A list of mandatory readings and films will be issued in the first session. Course material will either be placed in the “Semesterapparat” (IB), or made available in Moodle.