Student Laboratory - NanoBioLab

Welcome to the NanoBioLab Stutend Laboratory!

What do we offer?

The student laboratory NanoBioLab is part of the working group "Chemistry Education and Student Laboratory NanoBioLab" and is aimed at students from grades 4 to 12(13).

It serves to promote broad-based learning in the subjects of science (primary level), natural sciences (Sek 1) and chemistry (Sek 1 and 2).

The laboratory practicals take place every school week on Tuesdays and Wednesday in the morning and Thursdays in the morning and in the afternoon. Age-appropriate tasks are presented, which the young researchers solve through independent experimentation with the equipment and chemicals provided. The topics are taken from the current lessons after consultation with the respective subject teacher.

Where can you find us?

You can find us at Saarland University in Saarbrücken at the following address:

Campus Building B2.2, Room -1.21


How can we be reached?

An online form is available for booking a lab appointment.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact the NanoBioLab team via email nanobiolab(at)

Part of the “quality offensive teacher education” in the MINT cluster.

More information about SaLUt can be found here.


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