Extended Perception Layer – Investigating a Holistic Digital Environment

Brief Description

Project Duration: Since May 2022

Immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality (MR) offer the unique ability to superimpose virtual objects over the real environment. This provides various possibilities for interaction. While certain devices only allow us to see these virtual objects, other devices are designed to enable an interaction between the virtual objects and the natural environment. In this way, AR applications enable significant advances in the daily lives of individuals. For example, a digital replica of the desired furniture can be placed in the living room. In addition, collaborative activities can be seen with gaming experiences such as Pokemon Go, leading to community events to catch virtual goods. Furthermore, companies use AR to promote their products to a broader audience.

As can be seen, AR is already present in various areas of our daily lives and is changing the way we interact with others and the environment. Although these applications help us with specific decision-making scenarios, establishing contact with other people, or increasing efficiency, the impact on human behavior still lacks research. Further, it remains unclear how a ubiquitous digital layer will influence the way we communicate and act in future socio-technological information systems.

This research project aims to contribute to the question of how AR technology affects the way we perceive, communicate, and interact with the digitally enhanced environment. Therefore, we incorporate individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal perspectives for investigation in a holistic approach defining a digital layer that extends the human perception of the real world.

Ansprechperson: Christian Murlowski

Published Work

Towards an Extended Perception Layer in Augmented Reality

Murlowski, Morana (2022)


Augmented reality devices overlay digital content above our visually perceived real world and enable new ways of collaboration, communication, interaction, and perception. Extant research explores the conceptual foundations, technical prerequisites, and actual implementation of augmented reality in various domains. We lack a concept explaining the comprehensive range of digital layers in a holistic extended reality environment to understand how, when, and why users, for example, want to access or share information. This paper presents the extended perception layer (XPL) concept serving as the groundwork for users' interaction with augmented reality. The XPL concept describes the differentiation of three digital layers and suggests how accessing information, sharing content, and interacting with each other can be done within the layers. We contribute with the XPL concept and a corresponding research agenda to further explore the possibilities of augmenting users' visual perception.