The career portal – your gateway to a world of opportunities

Our new career portal, which is provided in cooperation with JobTeaser, is a central search platform that you can use to find work placements, internships and job offers. Use the career portal to discover the numerous job offers available exclusively to Saarland University students, to find the companies and organizations recruiting in the region and throughout Europe, or use it to stay up date with the latest events offered by the Career Center or potential employers. The portal is available in German, English and French and can be accessed from a computer or mobile device. You can also access it via the JobTeaser app. To use the portal, all you have to do is create an account on the JobTeaser website. Registration is simple and free! :-)

What are you waiting for? Register today and start exploring your future!


Are you looking for talented graduates, trainees, interns or students to work in your company? Then take a look at what Saarland University has to offer. Saarland University partners with JobTeaser to offer students, doctoral students and graduates a platform where they can search for job offers and upcoming recruitment events as well as learning more about the companies and organizations that are looking to hire.

Learn more

Access the career portal using the JobTeaser app

You can also view Saarland University's career portal on your phone using the JobTeaser app. Simply download the app and log in with your career portal user name and password.

Get the app

Working at Saarland University

Click the button to see what positions are currently available at Saarland University. You'll find job offers for academic staff and for administrative and technical personnel, as well as information on apprenticeships and vocational training opportunities.

Find your next job

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

General questions

Is the career portal free to use?

Yes, use of the career portal is completely free of charge.


I am studying at another university or I am no longer studying. Can I still use Saarland University's career portal?

Yes, you can. Access to the online portal is not restricted. Although the content of the career portal is primarily aimed at Saarland University students, graduates and alumni, anyone interested can make use of it.


Can I access the portal via an app?

Yes, the JobTeaser app allows you to access Saarland University's career portal from your computer, phone or other mobile device. Simply download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. The career portal has been optimized for use on mobile devices. If you don't want to install the app, you can access the portal from a web browser on your smartphone or tablet.


Why do I have to register to use the app?

Because Saarland University's career portal is made available through a cooperation with the company JobTeaser SA, you will need to create an account to access the platform. However, you can take a look at the 25 most recent job offers without having to register or log in by simply clicking on More job offers.


Why is the career portal provided through a cooperation with an external service provider?

Compared with our old job listings site, the new career portal offers a range of new features and functions that were previously not available. As more than 700 higher education institutions across Europe are already using the JobTeaser platform, we believe that the platform will continue to be maintained and developed to accommodate the latest technological advances. And because our career portal is part of the JobTeaser network, you'll also be able to view those graduate-level positions that companies or organizations have published across the entire network.


How do I use the partner filters?

In the sections Discover jobs and Events you can filter the results so that only job offers or events from our partners are displayed. Partners are those companies and organizations that take part in Saarland University career events or that cooperate with us in some other way. If you activate the filter when searching for events, you can display those events that are exclusive to Saarland University.


How do I adjust my privacy settings?

Click on the profile icon at the top right of the dashboard to open the drop-down menu. Select Privacy to access your privacy settings.


How can I unsubscribe from the events newsletter?

Open your personal dashboard, click on Edit my criteria to access the Search criteria and settings. Scroll down to 2. Email alerts where you can change your newsletter settings.


How do I delete my account on the career portal?

Click on the profile icon at the top right to open a drop-down menu. Select Account Settings. Click on the Delete my account  option at the bottom of the page.

Questions about registering with the career portal

What information do I need to provide when I create a career portal account?

To be able to view job vacancies, company profiles and events, you'll need to create an account with your first name, surname, email address, study programme and your (anticipated or actual) year of graduation.


Do I have to use my student email address when I register?

No, you can use any valid email address.


Can I change my email address or add an additional one?

Click on the profile icon at the top right of the dashboard. In the drop-down menu that appears, click on Account settings to change your primary email address or add a secondary address.


Who has access to my registration data?

Your data will be processed by JobTeaser SA. In addition to JobTeaser, only the Saarland University Career Center can access your data. If you activate the option 'Open to opportunities', recruiters will be able to access your profile and view your CV.


I can't find my degree programme in the list. What should I do?

The list contains all courses currently offered at Saarland University. Please try searching the list again for your programme. Simply type the name of your degree programme into the dialogue box 'Programme' – you may also need to try an alternative wording or spelling. If your degree programme is not in the list, please choose that degree programme that most closely corresponds to yours in terms of content (if you want to activate the Open to opportunities option) or select the Other option (if you only want to view job offers, company profiles and events).


The job I'm looking for is not listed. What should I do?

If you select a job category that comes closest to the one you’re looking for, you should still be able to find suitable job offers. We generally advise users not to restrict their search criteria too much so that they don't miss out on jobs that might be of interest. For example, we recommend selecting the complete category (e.g. 'Admin, HR & Legal' rather than just 'HR').


Can I select/add more than one degree programme?

Yes, just select the degree programmes one after the other. If you accidentally select the wrong degree programme, simply delete the selection by clicking on the small x.


How much information should I include in my profile?

That's completely up to you. If you only want to use the career portal to look for suitable job offers, recruiters or events, you can just enter the information in the mandatory fields. But if you'd like to receive individually targeted suggestions or you'd like to make use of the 'Open to opportunities' option, we recommend adding more information to your profile (in some cases this additional information will be required). You should also bear in mind that if you apply for a job via the platform, a comprehensive applicant profile will generally make a better impression on a potential employer.

Questions about job offers on the career portal

How can I customize my job search?

The various search filter options are located next to and below the search box. For example, you can specify which job category, location or industry you are interested in. If you click the Save my criteria button, you can save your settings for future searches.


How can I find jobs that are specifically for students at Saarland University?

On the right side of the jobs search page you will see a section headed Jobs for Saarland University. If you are viewing the portal on a smartphone, you can find this section by tapping on the filter symbol. To narrow your search even further, use the toggle switches to restrict your search to offers exclusive to Saarland University, offers from the university's partners and/or job offers from our alumni.


Are all of the jobs posted on the career portal checked by the Career Center?

The jobs that are displayed when you search using the Exclusive to Saarland University filter have been checked by us prior to posting on the portal. All other job offers come from the JobTeaser network and have not been checked by us. If you have something negative to report about a specific job offer or you discover a posting with inappropriate content, please contact us at .

What significance do the keywords have?

We assign keywords to certain job offers to make them easier to find. The keywords are displayed below the respective job offer and you can also use them to narrow your search. For example, we tag jobs for which no knowledge of German is required with the keyword No German required.


I have made use of all the filters, but I still can't find a job offer. What should I do?

You may have narrowed down your search too much. We suggest that you remove all of your filters by clicking or tapping on the bin symbol. You can then start to add specific filters one by one, starting with your most important filter criterion. Once you have found the search settings that work for you, we suggest saving your filter settings by hitting the Save my criteria button.


I didn't find what I was looking for on the career portal. Where can I find more job listings?

We have put together a list of recruitment sites that you might want to take a look at. Happy searching!

Questions about company profiles

Why does the portal include company profiles?

As well as searching for jobs, work placement and internships, you can also search for companies that match your criteria. If you go to the Companies section, you'll find profiles of companies, organizations and start-ups from Saarland, Germany and all over Europe. Each profile contains detailed information about the company or organization, including its corporate values and culture, insights into the type of applicants they are looking to attract and the relevant contact data. The company profiles are also a valuable source of information if you are looking for a work placement position or internship.


What do the tags on company profiles mean?

Some company profiles have tags in the upper right-hand corner:

  • UdS: Organizational units within Saarland University
  • Start-up: Start-ups with links to Saarland University
  • Partner: Companies and organizations that take part in events managed by Saarland University's Career Center


Questions about events

How do I register for an event?

Go to the Events section of the portal to find events organized by the Career Center and by selected companies and organizations. The event organizers will each have their own registration procedure. In some cases, you can register directly in the career portal; for other events you will be redirected to an external website. If you have any questions, please contact the event organizer directly.


Are all of the events in the career portal checked by the Career Center?

Events marked with a small padlock symbol have been checked by us before publication. All other events are from the JobTeaser network and are not checked by us prior to posting. If you have something negative to report about a specific event or you discover an event posting with inappropriate content, please contact us at .