The 'European Studies' programme at Saarland University offers students the opportunity to study Europe in an interdisciplinary and modern way that is unique in Germany.

Europe is playing a key role at Saarland University - in its history, in current teaching and research activities. In 2020, Saarland University was recognized as a 'European University' by the European Commission for its project Transform4Europe .

If you want to understand and reflect on European issues across disciplines and study a future-focused subject, this degree programme might be right for you.

You can choose between three areas of specialization.

    One Europe, many possibilities!

    European Studies: Geographies of Europe

    Europe and the European Union develop at different speeds and are characterized by spatial inequalities, which correlates with political, social, economic, ecological, and other consequences. The programme 'European Studies: Geographies of Europe' approaches today's Europe from a perspective characterized by spatial/regional science.

    European Studies: Geographies of Europe

    European Studies: Modern and Contemporary History

    The Bachelor’s degree programme 'European Studies: Modern and Contemporary History' focuses on Europe’s modern and contemporary history. In addition to looking into Europe’s past, the programme also focuses on how Europe is currently perceived in the world.

    European Studies: Modern and Contemporary History

    Europawissenschaften: Politik – Recht – Gesellschaft

    Wer regiert Europa? Wie wird Europa regiert? Geht alle Macht von Brüssel aus? Oder ist die EU nur der verlängerte Arm ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten? Wie unterscheiden sich Kultur und Wirtschaft der EU-Mitgliedstaaten? Der Bachelor Europawissenschaften: Politik – Recht – Gesellschaft bietet eine fundierte Ausbildung in Sozialwissenschaften sowie Einblicke in die Geschichte, Geographie und Kultur Europas, um auf Grundlage der Analyse empirischer Daten Antworten auf die drängendsten Fragen Europas zu finden.

    Europawissenschaften: Politik ‒ Recht ‒ Gesellschaft

    European Studies: Comparative Literature

    The Bachelor’s degree programme 'European Studies: Comparative Literature' is concerned with European literature, film, theatre and other media. Cultures shape how Europe is perceived in the world; and this perception of Europe has been reflected in literature and the arts ever since antiquity. The programme focuses on the different forms of cultural exchange within Europe. However, it also aims at examining interrelations between European and non-European literatures and media.

    European Studies: Comparative Literature


    Graduates from Bachelor European Studies can go further on with their studies in various Master programmes, but they are also well qualified to enter the job market immediately after obtaining their Bachelor’s degree.

    Application is possible in June and July for the subsequent winter term.

    Apply now

    Study Information

    Information application

      • Information for interested students

      • Structure & contents


    A unique way to study Europe: The degree programmes in European Studies are composed of an overall interdisciplinary core area, which is identical for all students of European Studies, and additionally a specific disciplinary focus. During your studies, you will deepen your skills of foreign European languages, spend a compulsory stay abroad and undertake a Europe-related internship, all of which will allow you to gain practical intercultural experience.

    Excellent conditions for studying and teaching

    Saarland University is a higher education institution with official quality assurance accreditation. Its quality management system allows Saarland University to ensure good conditions for studying and teaching across all disciplines. The degree programmes in European Studies have gone through the quality review process and have been audited and accredited by internal and external experts in accordance with the relevant quality criteria.


    Informationen, Videos, Links

    Contact and information

    CEUS | Cluster for European Research
    Study coordinator 'European Studies
    Elisabeth Marx M. A.
    Campus C5 3, Room 2.14
    66123 Saarbruecken

    Phone: +49 (0)681 302 70438

    Office hours:
    Please make an appointment via


    Course and programme advisers

    Study advice and information 'European Studies: Geographies of Europe'
    Dr. Ines Funk

    Study advice and information 'European Studies: Modern and Contemporary History'
    Carsten Geimer
    Dr. Rainer Möhler

    Study advice and information 'European Studies: Comparative Literature'
    Dr. Claudia Schmitt

    Central Student Advisory Service
    Contact person: Peter Hell M. A.