Bianca Böhme LL.M.

Bianca Böhme is a research associate and doctoral candidate at the chair of Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg at Saarland University and the Europa-Institut. Her research interests lie in particular in International Investment Protection Law, International Dispute Settlement and World Trade Law. Bianca holds tutorials at the Faculty of Law in European Law and International Economic Law as well as a course on International Courts and Tribunals in the LL.M. program of the Europa-Institut. In addition, Bianca chairs the editorial board of the Journal of European Legal Studies (ZEuS).

In 2020, she participated in the FDI International Arbitration Moot and received the Thomas Wälde Award as the best oralist of the competition (out of 242). Furthermore, she participated in the 28thWillem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, where she and her team reached the round of the best 32 teams and received an Honourable Mention for the Respondent's Memorial. In addition, Bianca received the Hans Werner Osthoff Award in 2021 for her Master's thesis "The Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty vis-à-vis the Autonomy of EU Law".

Previously, Bianca completed her law degree at the Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile). In 2019, she earned an LL.M. degree in International Law, Investment, Trade and Arbitration from the University of Heidelberg/ Universidad de Chile, and in 2021, an LL.M. degree in European and International Law from the Europa-Institut in Saarbrücken, Germany.


  • 'Friends or Foes: The Interplay between the ICSID and Permanent Investment Courts', in: Happ/Wilske, ICSID Arbitration Rules, Nomos, forthcoming in 2022 (together with Marc Bungenberg)
  • 'Enhancing Supply Chain Responsibilities through International Investment Agreements', ZEuS 2/2022, p. 251-264
  • 'The History of Investment Protection Treaties - From 1st Generation BITs to 21st Century Models', 2022 (see here)
  • 'The Future of the Energy Charter Treaty after Moldova v Komstroy', in: Common Market Law Review, 2022, vol. 59(3), p. 853-870
  • 'Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement - Current State of Play at UNCITRAL', ZEuS 1/2022, p. 15-73 (as part of the EI-IILCC Study Group on ISDS Reform)
  • 'Recent Efforts to Curb Investment Treaty Shopping: How Effective Are They?', Journal of International Arbitration, 2021, vol. 38(4), S. 511-532 
  • '§45 OECD', in: Armin Hatje und Peter-Christian Müller-Graff (eds.), Enzyklopädie Europarecht [EnzEuR], Vol. 1: Europäisches Organisations- und Verfassungsrecht, Nomos (2021) (together with Pieter Van Vaerenbergh)
  • 'Los mensajes instantáneos como fuente probatoria en el proceso: aportación, admisibilidad y valoración', in: Red Chilena de Investigadores en Derecho Procesal (Hrsg.) Justicia Electrónica. Primer Foro Anual de la Red Chilena de Investigadores en Derecho Procesal, Tirant lo Blanch (2021)
  • 'La resolución de conflictos internacionales frente al COVID-19: El momento del arbitraje online', blog post (see here). 


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Campus B2.1, Room 1.25
66123 Saarbrücken