Faculty Overview
The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology is divided into six departments: Life Sciences, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Pharmacy, Physics and Systems Engineering.
Currently, 72 professors teach and conduct research at our faculty, including four junior professors. In addition, there are four senior professors, three associate professors and seven honorary professors. Furthermore, 10 professors are co-opted to our faculty (list of the co-opted professors).
The research and teaching profiles of the NT Faculty's subjects are grouped around a broad range of working fields: systems biotechnology, molecular biology, biophysics, bioinformatics, new materials and materials technology, polymer chemistry, quantum technology, pharmaceutical drug research, sensors and actuators, energy/resource-efficient systems, methods of characterising and digitising materials and active substances, and digitising production. With this broad specialist framework, the faculty contributes substantially at different levels to the university's two research priorities "Nano-Bio-Med" and "Informatics".
Our faculty is characterized by interdisciplinary cooperation in research and teaching. Thus, not only do the various disciplines work closely together, but there are also intensive collaborations with medicine and computer science.
The Biosciences are also significantly involved in the teaching and research projects of the two interfaculty centers of the UdS: the Center for Human and Molecular Biology (ZHMB) and the Center for Bioinformatics (ZBI). A new interfaculty center is the Center for Biophysics (ZBP), in which the departments of Physics and Biosciences are involved (Homepage ZBP).
We work closely with the following non-university research institutions at the Saarbrücken Campus and in St. Ingbert:
- German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing (IZFP)
- Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology in Europe (KIST)
- Leibniz Institute for New Materials (INM)
- Steinbeis Research Center - Material Engineering Center Saarland (MECS)
- Steinbeis Research Center Amorphous metal
- Centre for Mechatronics and Automation Technology (ZeMA)
A special concern of all disciplines is to introduce students to scientific work and research projects of the chairs at an early stage. A large number of student research projects and doctoral theses are carried out jointly with the above-mentioned non-university research institutions, but also with companies located in the immediate vicinity on the Science Park Saar campus.
Our faculty is also involved with several laboratories in the Saarland Association of Student Experiment Laboratories SaarLab. This has the scientific-technical broad promotion of pupils as well as the teacher training as tasks.