Chairs of the departments

Life Sciences

Professorships and working groups in the department of Life Sciences

Retired professors of Life Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Ingolf Bernhardt
    apl. Professur im Ruhestand für Biophysik
  • Prof. Dr. Rita Bernhardt
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Friedrich Giffhorn
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Werner Nachtigall

Professorships and working groups in the department of Chemistry

  • Dr. Diego Andrada 
    ERC Junior Research Group Inorganic Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Aránzazu del Campo 
    Professorship for Materials synthesis and materials development
  • Prof. Dr. Markus Gallei 
    Professorship for Polymer Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Tanja Gulder
    Professorship for Organic chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Dominik Munz
    Professorship for Coordination Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Johann Jauch 
    Professorship for Organic chemistry II
  • Prof. Dr. Gregor Jung 
    Professorship for Biophysical chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Christopher Kay 
    Professorship for Physical chemistry and didactics of chemistry
  • apl. Prof. Dr. Ralf Kautenburger
    Associate Professorship 
  • Prof. Dr. Uli Kazmaier 
    Professorship for Organic chemistry I
  • Prof. Dr. Guido Kickelbick 
    Professorship for Inorganic solid state chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Kraus 
    Professorship for Colloid and interface chemistry
  • PD Dr. André Schäfer 
    Emmy Noether Junior Research Group
  • Prof. Dr. David Scheschkewitz 
    Professorship for General and inorganic chemistry
  • apl. Prof. Dr. Andreas Speicher 
    Professorship for Organic chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Stella Stopkowicz
    Professorship for Physical and theoretical chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Titz
    Professorship for Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Horst Philipp Beck
    Senior Professorship for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry

Retired professors of Chemistry

  • Prof. Dr. Horst Philipp Beck
    former Professor of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Heinz Engelhardt
    former Professor of Physical Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Kaspar Hegetschweiler
    former Professor of inorganic chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Elmar Heinzle
    former Professor of Technical Biochemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Rolf Hempelmann
    former Professor of Physical Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Schneider
    former Professor of Organic Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Springborg
    former Professor of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Veith
    former Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wenz
    former Professor of Organic Macromolecular Chemistry
Materials science and materials engineering

Professorships and working groups in the department of Materials science and engineering

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Bähre 
    Professorship for Production Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. Ralf Busch
    Professorship for Metallic Materials
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Diebels 
    Professorship for Engineering Mechanics
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lola González-García 
    Juniorprofessur für Elektrofluide (INM)
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Georg Herrmann 
    Professorship for Lightweight Construction Systems (IZFP)
  • Prof. Dr. Karen Lienkamp
    Professorship for Polymer Materials
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Motz 
    Professorship for Experimental Methodology of Materials Science
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Mücklich 
    Professorship for functional materials
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Müser 
    Professorship for Materials Simulation
  • Prof. Dr. Volker Presser 
    Professorship for Energy Materials
  • Prof. Dr. Wilfried Weber
    Professorship for New Materials (INM)
  • apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ute Rabe 
    Professorship in materials technology
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. habil. Guido Falk 
    Research group for structural and functional ceramics

Retired professors of Materials science and materials engineering

  • Honorarprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Walter Arnold
  • Seniorprofessor Dr. Eduard Arzt (INM, University of California)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Boller
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Bley
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rolf Clasen
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ismar
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h. c. mult. Michael Kröning
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wulff Possart
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Horst Vehoff

Professorships and working groups in the department of Pharmacy

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Ducho 
    Professorship for Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Empting
    Professorship of Medicinal Chemistry of Anti-Infectives
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Gulder
    Professorship for Natural Product Biotechnology
  • Prof. Dr. Anna Hirsch 
    Professorship for medicinal chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Claus Jacob 
    Professorship for Bioorganic Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Alexandra K. Kiemer 
    Professorship for Pharmaceutical Biology
  • Juniorprofessorin Dr. Sangeun Lee
    Junior Professorship for Pharmaceutical Materials and Processing
  • Prof. Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr 
    Professorship for Biopharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Prof. Dr. Thorsten Lehr 
    Professorship for Clinical Pharmacy
  • Prof. Dr. Andriy Luzhetskyy 
    Professorship for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Prof. Dr. Rolf Müller 
    Professorship for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Prof. Dr. Marc Schneider 
    Professorship for Biopharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology

Co-opted professors of Pharmacy

Honorary professor of Pharmacy

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Hammann

Retired professors of Pharmacy

  • Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans H. Maurer
  • Prof. Dr. Rolf W. Hartmann

Professorships and working groups in the department of Physics

Theoretical physics

  • Prof. Dr. Jochen Hub 
    Research group for theoretical and computer-aided biophysics
  • Prof. Dr. Giovanna Morigi 
    Research group for theoretical quantum physics
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Orth
    Research group for theoretical physics of quantum information
  • Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger 
    Research group for theoretical biophysics, statistical physics and computational physics
  • Prof. Dr. Ludger Santen 
    Research Group for Statistical Physics of Non-equilibrium
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch 
    Research Group for Solid State Physics and Quantum Information

Experimental physics

Co-opted professors of Physics

  • Prof. Dr. Markus Bischoff
    Institute for Medical Microbiology at the UKS

Senior professors and retired professors of Physics

  • Senior professor Dr. Uwe Hartmann 
    Research Group for Nanostructure Research and Nanotechnology
  • Prof. Dr. Karl Fischer
  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Knorr
  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Lücke
  • Prof. Dr. Günther Meißner
  • Prof. Dr. Jörn Petersson
  • Prof. Dr. Günther Schulz
  • Prof. Dr. Rolf Siems
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Wichert
Systems Engineering

Professorships and working groups in the department of Systems Engineering

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Frey 
    AES - Chair of Automation and Power Systems
  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Karsten König 
    BLT - Chair of Biophotonics and Laser Technology
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Möller 
    EuS - Chair of Electronics & Circuit Technology
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Seelecke 
    iMSL - Chair of Intelligent Material Systems
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Nienhaus
    LAT - Laboratory of Actuation Technology
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Vielhaber 
    LKT - Chair of Product Creation
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing.  Chihao Xu 
    LME - Chair of Microelectronics
  • Prof. Dr. Kathrin Flaßkamp 
    SMS - Chair of Modelling and Simulation of Technical Systems
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Schütze 
    LMT - Lab for Measurement Technology
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Rudolph 
    LSR - Chair of Systems Theory and Control Engineering
  • Prof. Dr.  Romanus Dyczij-Edlinger 
    LTE - Chair of Theoretical Electrical Engineering
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Wiese 
    MIZ - Chair of Microintegration and Reliability
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Müller 
    MST - Chair of Assembly Systems
  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Valeske
    Chair for Cognitive Sensor Systems
  • Prof. Dr. Paul Motzki
    Chair of Smart material systems for innovative production
  • Dr. Gianluca Rizzello
    APS - Junior Professorship for Adaptive Polymer-based Systems

Senior professors and retired professors of Systems Engineering