Online Video Course on International Dispute Settlement

Welcome to this online video course on International Dispute Settlement. This course is designed for students who aspire to navigate the complex world of international arbitration and mediation. Below you find a list of links, which will provide you free access to a number of videos that were recorded by experts of international dispute settlement. The videos deal with a variety of different topics in the field of international commercial arbitration, investment arbitration and mediation. We hope you enjoy watching the videos and can widen your knowledge in the field of international dispute settlement.. 

Marc Bungenberg - Overview of International Arbitration

Helmut Rüßmann, Arbitration and Litigation

Helmut Rüßmann, Overview of Commercial Arbitration

Alan Uzelac, Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Rule of Law

Ines Medic, Cross-Border Mediation

Catharine Titi, Mediation in International Disputes (Part 1)

Catharine Titi, Mediation in International Disputes (Part 2)

Catharine Titi, Mediation in International Disputes (Part 3)

Natalia Petrik, Administered vs ad hoc Arbitration

Zlatan Meskic, Jurisdiction, Powers and Duties of an Arbitral Tribunal

Zlatan Meskic, Establishment and Organisation of an Arbitral Tribunal

Almir Gagula: The Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings

Michele Potestà, The Role of National Courts during Arbitral Proceedings

Marko Bratkovic, Investor-State Dispute Settlement

August Reinisch, Investment Arbitration and the Rule of Law (Part 1)

August Reinisch, Investment Arbitration and the Rule of Law (Part 2)

August Reinisch, Investment Arbitration and the Rule of Law (Part 3)

Julian Scheu, Applicable Law in Investment Arbitration

Alexander Hoffmann, Third-Party-Funding in International Arbitration

Marc Bungenberg - An MIC as Option for Future ISDS

Greg Lourie - State-to-State Dispute Settlement

Nevena Jevremovic, The New York Convention (Part 1)

Nevena Jevremovic, The New York Convention (Part 2)

Nevena Jevremovic, The New York Convention (Part 3)

Nevena Jevremovic, The New York Convention (Part 4)

Nevena Jevremovic, The New York Convention (Part 5)