Family-friendly university
Saarland University sees itself as a place of teaching and research, where studying and working with family responsibilities
is supported both structurally and ideally.
As a university for all, the University respects the special challenges of parents or carers, among others, in order to realise and advance the goal of family justice as comprehensively as possible.
(From the University Development Plan 2030: Universitätsentwicklungsplan 2030)
Die Online Babysitting database is a free service for parents as well as babysitters and babysitters and is intended to enable quick and uncomplicated contact. Students of Saarland University can supplement their budget by taking on a demanding job. Parents (students and employees of Saar University) can find reliable and flexible help with childcare here.
Sometimes no childcare is offered in the afternoons, childcare is cancelled at short notice or parents only need short childcare to attend individual courses.
Students or parents working in teaching at Saarland University can claim support for the care of their child/children. It is a prerequisite that the reason for childcare is related to study-related activities (such as attending a lecture, writing a term paper, etc.) and not for private reasons.
Die MoKis are flexible and mobile, child-friendly wheeled suitcases with diversity-sensitive play materials for different age groups.
FUNKT stands for Ferien-Uni-Natur-Kinder-Tage (Holiday-University-Nature-Children-Days) and is aimed at children of primary school age of employees and students of Saarland University.
The KidsBox is a box on wheels filled with everything needed to care for children of different ages.
The Intercultural Family Meet & Eat (IFME) offers staff, students, guests and, of course, their families a space for exchange, socialising and networking.
Just bring snacks and a good mood - childcare will be provided!
The Parents' Café is a networking forum in MS Teams for all parents at the UdS. It is aimed at both employees and students.
Parents can not only exchange information with each other, but also have a direct line to the Family Office and can easily bring their concerns to us.
We also share useful and interesting information about family matters here.
All interested parents are cordially invited. Simply join the team with the following code: jewc945