
Our study coordinator and advisor, Dr Stefan Thater, has been appointed “Akademischer Oberrat” on 1 August thanks to his outstanding achievements for the department. Stefan Thater has been the department’s study coordinator since 2012 and is responsible for the study programmes B.Sc. Computational Linguistics and M.Sc. Language Science and Technology, having previously worked as a research assistant for the chair of Manfred Pinkal. Since 2014 he also is PI in the SFB 1102 Information Density and… [...]
With the Study Finder: Expectation Check, applicants interested in the "Language Science" Bachelor's programme can test whether their expectations for this programme are accurate. They will receive individual feedback with information on contents, requirements and future career opportunities. This takes about 20-30 minutes.
The Study Finder: Expectation Check can be started here. [...]
12 July ,2019, building A2 2, Room 1.20
Further information about the colloquium can be found here. [...]

The Sepia application portal for the "Translation Science and Technology" Master's programme - beginning of studies WS 2019/20 - is now open. Applicants who are in the final phase of their BA studies can be provisionally admitted under the following conditions:

Completion of all examinations and submission of the final thesis by the beginning of the Master's programme Belated submission of the BA certificate (or similar) within a deadline of 3 months [...]
The 29th Conference of Computational Linguistics Students (TaCoS) will take place at Saarland University from 21 - 23 June. Students coming from all over Germany, will discuss current research topics and present their own work on the Saarbrücken campus. [...]
Marc Swerts, professor in the Department of Communication and Cognition at Tilburg University, is currently visiting our department and is hosted by Prof. Bernd Möbius. He is the recipient of the Humboldt Research Award, which funds his current and return visits and collaborations with LST and SFB 1102 projects.
Marc Swerts is an international authority in speech communication research. He analyzes spoken language in conjunction with visual communicative expressions (face, hand, body), using… [...]
In the lecture series "50 Years of Computer Science at Saar University", Prof. Koller will speak on the topic "Hey Siri! Wie bringt man Maschinen bei, Sprache zu verstehen?” at the Filmhaus. [...]
The Department of Language Science and Technology welcomes its new manager, Diana Steffen. An alumna of the department herself (Diplom in Computational Linguistics in 2002), Diana has almost twenty years of experience as a project manager, software engineer, and researcher in academia and industry. In her new role as department manager, Diana will be responsible for all management activities in the department, including strategic budget planning, improvement of departmental processes, and… [...]
The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Saarland University invites you to the inaugural lecture held by Dr. Bistra Andreeva, Associate Professor of Phonetics and Phonology, on Monday, 13 May, 2019, 6.00 pm in the Large Meeting Room of the Faculty of Philosophy (Campus B3 1, Room 0.11) on the topic "Tonhöhenprofile in slavischen und germanischen Sprachen". [...]
The department is delighted to welcome Junior-Professor Annemarie Verkerk, who has joined us from 1 April 2019 onwards. After obtaining her degrees from Radboud University Nijmegen, she worked at the Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, at the University of Reading and at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena. She is also starting a funded cooperation with colleagues at Yale university. In her research, she specializes in phylogenetic comparative… [...]