
Prof. Vera Demberg has made a guest appearance in the SIC's scientific podcast "As I see IT", in which a wide variety of topics relating to people, research, innovations and developments on campus are addressed.

In  Episode 2, she talked about the topic "What are Large Langugage Models".


Our department's delegation recently concluded two eventful days at the trade fair in Berlin-Mitte.  Despite the considerable travel and preparation efforts, the experience proved to be highly rewarding. Rainer Egler, Fadia Sauerwein, and student assistant Elena Schmidt engaged in numerous discussions with a diverse international audience. This included students, active and former translators, language enthusiasts, and university lecturers from around the globe. The topics covered ranged from…


Prof. Elke Teich gave an invited talk „Language use in science - convergence, diversity, dynamicity“ at the Symposium on Theoretical Foundations for Interdisciplinarity (November 30 - December 1) by Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.


Jun.-Prof. Annemarie Verkerk from our department and  Dr. Francesca Di Garbo from Aix-Marseille Université / CNRS Parole et Langage have been awarded a ANR-DFG grant for Social Sciences and Humanities.

Here is a short summary for their project:
"SocioBaGS: Macro- and micro-variation in Bantu grammatical gender systems and their sociolinguistic correlates"

"Our project examines variation and change in the nominal classification systems of Bantu languages. At each boundary of the Bantu…


Under the lead of Dr. Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb, our department will contribute to the Cascade project
(Computational Analysis of Semantic Change Across Different Environments), which will receive a total of 2.8 million euros in funding over four years from January 2024 as part of  the EU-program "Horizon Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MCSA) Doctoral Networks". Congratulations to all participants! The detailed report from the UdS press office can be read here


Fadia Sauerwein, Rainer Egler and Elena Schmidt will represent our department at EXPOLINGUA , an event focusing on languages, cultures and international studies. They will be promoting our study programs in general and the MA Translation Science and Technology in particular.
You can apply for a free ticket for the event here.

Many thanks to our ambassadors and good luck!


With the passing of Dr. Agustín Seguí, Saarland University, and particularly the field of translation theory and practice, mourns the loss of one of its founding figures. Dr. Seguí played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Spanish Department within the former Translation Institute and served as its director for many years. His unwavering commitment to innovation, he never avoided conflict, often spurred progress and change. Dr. Seguí's impact extended far beyond teaching and…


At the end of September Jörg Knappen, Pauline Krielke and Elke Teich gave a one-week course on corpus linguistics at Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (KTMU) in Bishkek (Kyrgystan). The course was attended by around 70 people, including students and teachers from Bishkek, Osh and Karakol universities.


We are happy to announce that 14 papers by members of our department have been accepted at the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Congratulations to all authors!

"We're Afraid Language Models Aren't Modeling Ambiguity." by Alisa Liu, Zhaofeng Wu, Julian Michael, Alane Suhr, Peter West, Alexander Koller, Swabha Swayamdipta, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Cho
Long Paper "SLOG: A Structural Generalization Benchmark for Semantic Parsing." by Bingzhi Li, Lucia Donatelli,… [...]

German author, speaker and mental artist, Thorsten Havener studied at the former department "Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft sowie Übersetzen und Dolmetschen". His remarkable journey underscores the potential of language science in achieving exceptional heights.  In an interview with the Campus online magazine, Thorsten Havener offers insights into his profession and reflects on how his studies have shaped his artistic journey. Moreover, he recalls some especially pleasant and enriching moments…
