If you need advice on how to obtain the Europaicum Certificate, the CEUS coordinators will be happy to help you. As the certificate is designed to provide greater variety and flexibility by allowing you to structure the certificate to reflect your interests, it may be helpful to get individual advice by the CEUS coordinators when you’re starting to study for or about to complete the certificate. Below, you will find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Q: Do I have to take a single course at the Language Centre worth 6 credits to earn the ECTS credits required in the language module or may I also take two courses worth 3 credits each, for example?
A: You may earn the 6 credits required in the area of 'Modern European Languages' by completing several language courses. You may also take courses in several languages. What’s important is that they are modern European languages and that the language in question is not studied as the main subject of your regular (first) degree programme.
Q: Can I get credits for language courses that I have completed as part of my main degree programme?
A: This is possible, but the language in question must not be studied as the main subject of your main degree programme. To find out if you can have the courses recognized, please contact the CEUS coordinators and submit the overview of your academic achievements from your main (first) degree programme.
Please note that for some language courses in English and French no ECTS credits are awarded! You can find the information about this in the course description.
Q: Do I need to register for the individual module elements at the beginning of each semester or is it also possible to either join courses later in the semester? Also, can I de-register from courses?
A: You need to register for the courses at the beginning of the respective semester via the online course catalogue (LSF portal). You can de-register from a course at any time. In addition, you can decide at fairly short notice whether you want to take the examination or not. Your registration via LSF does not automatically lead to your registration for the respective examination. It is not possible to register for a course at a later point during the semester. This applies in particular to seminars, for which regular attendance is compulsory.
Q: Is there a minimum number of ECTS credits that I have to earn per semester, or could I theoretically earn 0 credits in my first and 24 credits in my second semester?
A: You can distribute the workload (24 credits in total) individually to suit your needs; there is no minimum number of credits that you need to earn per semester. The required 24 credits can be acquired in one semester or earned in parallel to your regular studies. However, you should have completed all the academic assessments and examinations required for the certificate at the latest when completing your regular degree programme in order to receive the certificate.
Q: Can I only start taking examinations for the Europaicum Certificate once I am officially enrolled for the certificate?
A: In the event that it is no longer possible to enrol for the certificate for the following semester, you can still take examinations in that semester. You will receive the academic credits once you have successfully enrolled for the Europaicum Certificate.
Q: I can’t find a course I’ve taken in the LSF portal. Can I still have it recognized?
A: As a rule, only courses listed in the LSF in the section 'Europaicum' can be recognized. In individual cases, it is possible to have an additional course (i.e. a course that is not on the list) recognized after speaking to the CEUS coordinators, provided that the course had a European dimension.
Note: The recognition of an internship is only possible for students who have enrolled for the Europaicum Certificate before the winter semester 2021/22.
Q: How many ECTS credits can I receive for a work placement or internship with a European focus?
A: In the competence area 'Practical approaches to Europe' ('Europa in der Praxis'), you can earn 6 ECTS for a work placement or internship with a European focus. Its European focus must be evident from the description of the work placement or internship position and from the student report documenting the work carried out.
Q: What criteria must be fulfilled in order for me to have an internship or work placement recognized for the Europaicum Certificate?
The criteria for the work placement or internship are the same as in the Bachelor 'Optionalbereich', i. e.
- students need to attend the preparatory and follow-up sessions
- submit a student report documenting the work carried out during the work placement / intership (5 to 10 pages) and a certificate provided by the company, organization or research institution hosting the work placement / internship confirming that the work placement / internship was completed
- a recognizable European reference of the internship (please state in the student report)
The following requirements must be met in order for the internship to be recognized for the Europaicum Certificate: Students must submit the following documents to the CEUS: (i) a student report including an assignment cover sheet ('Deckblatt') and (ii) proof that they have attended the preparatory and follow-up sessions.
Q: Is the Europaicum Certificate also open to Erasmus students?
A: It is also possible to complete the Europaicum Certificate as an Erasmus student. The certificate is designed to allow students to complete it in two semesters (or even in only one semester). If you would like to obtain the certificate with 24 ECTS, please contact the coordinators at CEUS: europaicum@uni-saarland.de and make an appointment.
Q: Can the Europaicum Certificate only be completed in German?
A: There are currently up to three courses held in English per semester. All other courses and examinations must be taken in German.
Q: Kann ich auch als Gasthörer*in das Zertifikat Europaicum absolvieren?
A: Ja, das ist möglich. Sofern keine gesonderte Regelung vorliegt, fällt für die Teilnahme an Zertifikatsveranstaltungen – welche im Rahmen des Gasthörerstudiums belegt werden dürfen – die Zahlung einer Gebühr von 155,– Euro an. Informationen zur Einschreibung als Gasthörer*in finden Sie hier.

Contact and Information
CEUS I Cluster for European Research
Coordination Europaicum Certificate
Address: Campus C5 3
66123 Saarbruecken
Phone: +49 0681 302 70337 or 70438
E-Mail: europaicum@uni-saarland.de
Contact Europaicum Certificate:
Benjamin Sammtleben
Elisabeth Marx