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Prof. Dr. Jürgen Eschner and co-workers
Experimentalphysik - Quantum Photonics
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus E2 6
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Tel: +49-681-302-58017
Fax: +49-681-302-58018
- 01. Jan. 2025 - The BMBF-funded research project Quantenrepeater.Net, QR.N commences. The University launches a press release.
- 14. Sept. 2024 - Our article "Demonstration of quantum network protocols over a 14-km urban fiber link" has been published in NPJ Quantum Information.
The UdS launches a press release.
- 03. Sept. 2024 - Our article "Quantum repeater node with free-space coupled trapped ions" has been published in Physical Review A.
- 15. Aug. 2024 - Stephan Kucera presents our results on quantum networking in an invited talk on the NACTI - North American Conference on Trapped Ions.
- 22. Jun. 2024 - Our article "Calibration-Independent Bound on the Unitarity of a Quantum Channel with Application to a Frequency Converter", a theory-experiment collaboration with colleagues from various groups, has been published in NPJ Quantum Information.
- April 2024 - Pascal Baumgart und Jonas Meiers schließen ihren Master ab. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
- 18. Jan. 2024 - Our article "Full Bell-basis measurement of an atom-photon 2-qubit state and its application for quantum networks" is accepted for publication in Physical Review Research.
- 31. Dec. 2023 - Dr. Stephan Kucera leaves the group after many years of successful work. We wish you all the best for the future!
- 22. Nov. 2023 - Festlicher Abschluss des Jubiläumsjahres der UdS und Präsentation des Jubiläumsbandes zur Universitätsgeschichte. Im Jubiläumsband wird unsere alte und neue Ionenfalle vorgestellt!
- Fall 2023 - Maja Wohlfarth and Hassan Ahmed finish their lab projects and graduate to BSc. All the best for the future!
- Sept. 2023 - Jürgen Eschner presents our results on the European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) in Bückeburg, Germany.
- June 2023 - Max Bergerhoff presents our results on the Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference in Denver, USA.
- 13. May 2023 - We participate in the Tag der offenen Tür showing demonstration experiments for quantum science and technology.
- 28. Apr. 2023 - Elena Arenskötter defends her dissertation and is promoted to Dr. rer. nat. Congratulations, and all the best for the future!
- 10. Apr. 2023 - Our article "Telecom quantum photonic interface for a 40Ca+ single-ion quantum memory" is published in npj Quantum Information. Link
- 01. Apr. 2023 - Maja Wohlfarth, Hasan Ahmed and Gabriel Dick join our team for their BSc / MSc projects. Welcome!
- March 2023 - VSE NET supports the Eschner und Becher Research Groups with a telecom fiber link between UdS and htw.
The UdS launches a press release.
The Saarbrücker Zeitung picks up the topic.
- 08. March 2023 - The Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik of the DPG elects Jürgen Eschner as deputy head.
- 13.-14. Feb. 2023 - The consortium of the BMBF-funded project "QuantenFabLab" meets at the UdS for scientific exchange.
- 05.-26. Oct. 2022 - New seminar series for the general public "Ein Quantum Tech", organised by Prof. Eschner und Prof. Morigi. Press release of the UdS.
- Aug.-Oct. 2022 - Sina Thier, Gabriel Dick, Franz Krieger, and Niklas Günther finish their BSc projects. Good luck for the future!
- 19. Aug 2021 - Matthias Kreis defends his dissertation and receives his promotion to Dr. rer. nat. Congratulations!
- March 2022 - The Eschner Group and the Becher Group are funded by the BMBF as members of the QR.X consortium for their quantum repeater research. Press release of the UdS.
- 08. Oct 2021 - Philipp Müller defends his dissertation and receives his promotion to Dr. rer. nat. Congratulations!
- 25. Juni 2021 - Omar Elshehy and Tobias Bauer present our results at the EQEC. Omar's paper.
- 23. March 2021 - J. Eschner gives a public lecture at the Wissenschaftsforum St. Ingbert on Randomness: "Echter Zufall - Vom Glück übers Wetter zur Quantenphysik". Announcement (pdf); Newspaper article in Saarland dialect (jpg).
- 01. Feb. 2021 - Saran Shaju from Cochin University, Kerala, India, joins us for a PhD project in the Yb lab. Welcome Saran!
- 09. Feb. 2021 - Die AG Eschner präsentiert sich auf der Bachelor-Messe.
Information zu den Forschungsthemen.
Bilder von der Arbeit der AG.
- 09. March 2021 - J. Eschner presents our results at the EACN.
- 26. Nov. 2020 - The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) approves funding of our CRC "CoQuLiMa - Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter"! Press release
- 04. Nov. 2020 - Stephan Kucera and J. Eschner present our results at the QTECH conference.
- 30. Okt. 2020 - Pressemeldung: Projekt „Quanten im Alltag“ der Saar-Uni macht Quantentechnologie verständlich.
- 28. Sept. 2020 - Bei einem Besuch der Firma Huawei am DFKI stellt J. Eschner die Forschung an der UdS im Gebiet der Quantentechnologie vor.
- 27. Juni 2020 - Der Tag der offenen Tür findet dieses Jahr virtuell statt. Hier gibt es Informationen zum Studium "Quantum Engineering": Powerpoint-Vorstellung (pdf, ca. 6.4MB); Flyer (pdf, ca. 1.5MB).
- 19. Feb. 2020 - Der letzte Vortrag beschließt die Reihe "Echt jetzt?" zum Thema Realität.
Vielen Dank an Sprecher, Publikum und Helfer!
Der Vortrag von Holger Sturm erhält eine Pressemeldung der UdS.
- 27. Nov. 2019 - Prof. Eschner spricht in einem öffentlichen Vortrag in Zweibrücken (FH Kaiserslautern) über den Zufall.
Der Pfälzer Merkur berichtet ausführlich.
- 19. Feb. 2020 - The public lecture series "Echt jetzt?" ("Really?") closes with its last talk. Many thanks to speakers, audience, and collaborators.
- New Bachelor Program "Quantum Engineering" (in German) from WS 2019/20.
17. Sept. 2019 - Article in the Saarbrücker Zeitung.
11. June 2019 - Press release of the University (short).
11. June 2019 - Press release of the University (long).
- 05. Juni 2019 - J. Eschner presents our research on tools for quantum networks at the CEWQO in Paderborn.
- 25. Mai 2019 - Wir stellen unsere Forschungen auf dem Tag der offenen Tür der UdS vor. Das spannende Physik-Programm findet überwiegend im Gebäude C6.3 statt. Jürgen Eschner stellt auch den neuen Studiengang "Quantum Engineering" vor.
- 23. May 2019 - Jan Arenskötter presents our research at the Symposium "Single Photon based Quantum Technologies" in Berlin.
- 01. Mai 2019 - Martin Steinel joins our group for his Master project, and Max Bergerhoff joins us for his Bachelor project. Welcome!
- 04.-06. Apr. 2019 - Stephan Kucera and Matthias Kreis present our research at the QIM - Quantum Information and Measurement topical meeting in Rome.
- 11.-15. March 2019 - Matthias Kreis, Jan Arenskötter, and Anna Breunig present our research at the DPG Spring Meeting in Rostock.
- 27. Feb. 2019 - The public lecture series "Laaangweilig!" ("Boooring!") about the notion of time finished with a lecture on time travel. Like all evenings, the lecture hall at the Filmhaus was fully booked!
- 16. Jan. 2019 - The public lecture series "Laaangweilig!" ("Boooring!") about the notion of time started successfully.
- 14. Jan. 2018 - Our manuscript "Continuous-wave virtual-state lasing from cold ytterbium atoms" is published in PRA.
- 04. Jan. 2018 - Our manuscript "Optical bistability and nonlinear dynamics by saturation of cold ytterbium atoms in a cavity" is accepted for publication in PRA.
- 19. Dec. 2018 - Farewell to our former secretary Frau Michel. Thank you for your truly exceptional services, and enjoy your retirement!
- 01. Nov. 2018 - We participate in the BMBF-funded quantum technology project "CaLas".
- 01. Oct. 2018 - The UdS publishes a press release about our participation in the BMBF-funded project Q.Link.X.
- 01. Aug. 2018 - The BMBF-funded coordinated project "Q.Link.X" (Quantum Link Extension) begins. Its goal is the development of quantum repeater technology. Project partners at the UdS are C. Becher and J. Eschner.
- 31. July 2018 - Farewell to Floriane Brunel and Hridya M.S. who finish their internships. Thank you and all the best for the future!
- 21. Mai 2018 - Our Nature Communications paper receives press coverage. PM der Uni IDW-onlineElektronikPraxis
- 21. May 2018 - Nature Communications publishes our paper "High-fidelity entanglement between a trapped ion and a telecom photon via quantum frequency conversion", a collaboration with Christoph Becher's group.
- 11. May 2018 - Hridya M.S., internship student from India, joins us for the next three months. Welcome!
- 23. Apr. 2018 - Lukas Hartung from A. Kubanek's group, Uni Ulm, visits us and reports on "Setting up a cryogenic, confocal microscope with single-atom resolution".
- 04.-09. Mar. 2018 - Dmitij, Jan, Pascal, and Matthias Bock present our results on the DPG Spring Meeting in Erlangen.
- 05.-07. Feb. 2018 - J. Eschner presents our work on the Heraeus-Seminar "Quantum Networks – From Building Blocks to Applications". Link
- 01. Oct. 2017 - Anna Breunig and Omar Elshehy join us for their Master projects, and Christian Haen for his Bachelor project. Welcome!
- 31. Aug. 2017 - Jürgen Eschner presents our research at the NIM Resonator QED Conference in München.
- 07. and 14. Aug. 2017 - Pascal Eich presents our results at the Gordon Conference on Quantum Control of Light and Matter and the North American Conference on Trapped Ions.
- 02. Aug. 2017 - Our manuscript "Spectral properties of single photons from quantum emitters", a collaboration with G. Morigi's group, is accepted for publication in PRA.
- 12. July 2017 - Younis Al Riyami, engineering student from Oman, visits us for two months as an IAESTE/DAAD internship student. Welcome Younis!
- 08. July 2017 - Jürgen Eschner presents our research at the Quantum Information Workshop at Hongkong University.
- 03.-07. Juli 2017 - Hannes Gothe presents our cavity QED results at the ICOLS in Arcachon, France.
- 04. July 2017 - Jürgen Eschner presents our results as invited speaker at the annual meeting of the French Physikal Society.
- 25.-29. June 2017 - EQEC in München: Matthias Kreis and Jan Arenskötter present our results.
- 24. June 2017 - "Tag der offenen Tür" at the UdS. We show demonstration experiments about quantum information with atoms and photons.
- 14.-19. May 2017 - At the CLEO in San Jose, CA, USA, Stephan Kucera und Christoph Becher present our results.
- 27. Apr. 2017 - Our manuscript "Coherence and entanglement preservation of frequency-converted heralded single photons", a collaboration with C. Becher's group, is published in Optics Express.
- 06. Apr. 2017 - Jürgen Eschner presents our results at the "Quantum Information and Measurement" conference in Paris.
- 06. March 2017 - DPG Spring Meeting in Mainz. Stephan, Philipp, Jan, Pascal, and Hannes present our results.
- 08. Dez. 2016 - J. Eschner presents "Einzelne Atome im Licht der Physik und der Philosophie" to the general university audience as part of the 24-hour lecture. 24-h-VO beim AStA
- 03. Nov. 2016 - The first public lecture of our series on "Nichts" (Nothing) was followed by about 140 enthusiastic visitors!
- 01. July 2016 - Our paper "Programmable atom-photon quantum interface" has been published in Physical Review A! Link
- 04. Apr. 2016 - José Brito defends his doctoral thesis and will receive his PhD degree. Congratulations!
- 03. Mar. 2016 - DPG Spring Meeting in Hannover. Stephan Kucera and Pascal Eich report on our results.
- 25. Feb. 2016 - J. Eschner presents a public lecture "Von der Quantenphysik mit einzelnen Atomen zur Informationstechnologie der Zukunft" at the Max-von-Laue-Gymnasium and for the vhs in Koblenz.
- 14. Jan. 2016 - Dr. Michael Schug's last day in the group, he moves into industry. Good Luck, Michael! Farewell snapshot
- 17. Dec. 2015 - Our manuscript "Telecom-heralded single-photon absorption by a single atom", a collaboration with C. Becher's group, is published in Physical Review A.
- 10. Dec. 2015 - Our public lecture series "Licht-Reflektionen" finishes. It was a great success!
- 02. Nov. 2015 - Our manuscript "Single Telecom Photon Heralding by Wavelength Multiplexing in an Optical Fiber", a collaboration with C. Becher's group, has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics B.
- 19. Oct. 2015 - Our manuscript "Dissipative control of a spin chain", a collaboration with Giovanna Morigi, Dave Wineland, and their groups, has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.
- 24. Sept. 2015 - On the "Info-Tag" at Uni Trier, J. Eschner presents the physics studies and research at the UdS.
- 21. Sept. 2015 - Jean-Michel Raimond from College de France, Paris, presents a colloquium "Exploring the Quantum". It is the first lecture of a series "Licht-Reflektionen", celebrating the International Year of Light.
- 20. Sept. 2015 - Our manuscript "Doubly-heralded single-photon absorption by a single atom" has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics B.
- 16. Sept. 2015 - Christoph Kurz defends his thesis and receives the doctoral degree. Congratulations!
- 11. Sept. 2015 - Michael Schug defends his thesis and receives the doctoral degree. Congratulations!
- 04. Juli 2015 - We present the International Year of Light at the "open-doors day" of the UdS. Radio and television cover the event.
- 21.-25. June 2015 - CLEO-Europe/EQEC 2015 is held in München; J. Eschner is one of the General Chairs of the conference. P. Eich, S. Kucera, and M. Bock (AG Becher) present our work.
- 01. May 2015 - Christoph Kurz moves to a postdoc position at NIST Boulder, Colorado, in the group of Nobel Laureate Dave Wineland.
- 15. Apr. 2015 - Diksha Jain, student from IISER Mohali, India, joins us for 3 months as an internship student.
- 13. Jan. 2015 - We are grateful to our colleagues in- and outside Germany for their support in fighting against the proposed buget cuts!
- We have open positions!...more...
- 21. Nov. 2014 - Our paper "Experimental protocol for high-fidelity heralded photon-to-atom quantum state transfer" appears in Nature Communications. The University issues a press release.
- 27.-31. Oct. 2014 - J. Eschner and J. Brito present the latest results of the group on the "Quantum Optics VII" conference in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Link to Conference
- 27. Sept. - 02. Oct. 2014 - The "Highlights der Physik" in Saarbrücken on the topic Quantenwelten are a tremendous success! The group presents "Die Zukunft von bits und bytes". Link
- 25. Sept. 2014 - On the "Info-Tag" at Uni Trier, J. Eschner presents the physics studies and research at the UdS.
- 15. Aug. 2014 - Our article "Quantum interference in the absorption and emission of single photons by a single ion" is highlighted as "Editor's Suggestion" in Phys. Rev. A. Link to paper. Press release
- 09. June 2014 - Christoph Kurz and Stephan Kucera present our work on single-atom-single-photon interactions at the CLEO in San Jose, USA. Christoph is a finalist in the Maiman Student Paper Competition.
- 01. May 2014 - The new BMBF funded coordinated project Q.com-Q starts. It will support our research towards single atom - single photon interfaces for the next 3 years.
- 31. March 2014 - Dr. Jan Huwer's last day. We wish him all the best for his new job at Toshiba, Cambridge!
- 22. Feb. 2014 - J. Eschner spends 6 weeks as guest researcher in Dave Wineland's and Didi Leibfried's group at NIST Boulder, CO, USA.
- 31. Dec. 2013 - The BMBF-funded coordinated project QuOReP - quantum optical repeater technology terminates. A new funding period will start in May 2014.
- 22. Jan. 2014 - "Was ist dran am Quantencomputer?" Quantum physicists from Saarbrücken explain the state of the art. Link to article.
- 29. Jan. 2014 - Jan Huwer defends his thesis. His colloquium was held at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona. Link to announcement.
- 30. Sept. 2013 - Our manuscript "Single calcium-40 ion as quantum memory for photon polarization" has been published in Appl. Phys. B. Link to paper.
- 21. Mai 2013 - Our manuscript "Heralded photonic interaction between distant single ions" has been published in PRL. Link to paper.
- 12.-16. Mai 2013 - J. Eschner acts as Program Chair of the IQEC, held in München together with CLEO-Europe. Link to conference.
- 10. Mai 2013 - J. Eschner and C. Becher are portrayed for their research in the magazine FORUM. Link to article.
- 09. May 2013 - Our manuscript "A high-rate source for single photons in a pure quantum state" has been published in New Journal of Physics. Link to paper.
- 10. Apr. 2013 - J. Eschner holds a public evening lecture at the FH Zweibrücken: "Physik mit einzelnen Atomen - Kontrolle von Quantensystemen". Pdf of the talk.
- 02. Apr. 2013 - J. Eschner presents the talk "Heralded ion-photon and ion-ion interactions" at the QIon13 Workshop in Obergurgl, Austria. Link to workshop page.
- 18.-22. Mar. 2013 - At the DPG Spring Meeting, Michael Schug, Christoph Kurz, Philipp Müller, and Pascal Eich present four contributions of the group. Link to meeting.
- 14. Feb. 2013 - Physical Review Letters has accepted our manuscript "Shot-noise limited monitoring and phase locking of the motion of a single trapped ion", a collaboration between Karlsruhe, Saarbrücken, Mainz, and Innsbruck! Link to paper.
- 16. Jan. 2013 - Our manuscript "Photon entanglement detection by a single atom" has been accepted by New Journal of Physics. Link to paper.
- 06. Dez. 2012 - J. Eschner presents "Dompteure der Quanten - Die Physik des Nobelpreises 2012" in the Physics Colloquium. Pdf of the talk.
- 09. Oct. 2012 - We congratulate Dave Wineland und Serge Haroche on winning the Nobel Prize for their breakthrough work in quantum optics, quantum information, and quantum electrodynamics! more...
- 01. Oct. 2012 - Joyee Ghosh, who moved with us from ICFO to UdS, is leaving the group. She will be a postdoc in Alan Migdall's group at NIST/JQI. Farewell Joyee, and all the best for the future!
- 02. Juni 2012 - Tag der offenen Tür!
- 01. Jan. 2012 - Graduate training in the groups Becher, Morigi, Wilhelm-Mauch, and Eschner will be supported by the UdS as a "topical graduate program" with the title Kontrolle von Quantensystemen für die Entwicklung von Quantentechnologie (Ctrl-Q) (Control of quantum systems for quantum technologies).
- 28. Aug. 2011 - The ion lab appears in the program "future now" on Deutsche Welle (minute 5:38).
- 01. Sept. 2011 - The ion-photon experiment is part of the QSCALE research network in the european Chist-ERA programme.
- 01. Nov. 2010 - The ion experiment is part of the QuOReP collaborative project for quantum repeater technology.
- 24. Okt. 2010 - Nature Physics publishes results on the heralded absorption of single photons by single ions. Link to paper (advance online publication).