The project partners

Health has many aspects. That's why a wide variety of internal and external actors have joined forces to help you get through your studies mentally fit and physically healthy, especially with offerings in the areas of exercise, mental health, healthy nutrition and competencies for your studies and career.

And these partners are involved:


AStA – Student body of the UdS

The AStA represents the university students in all matters concerning the university. This representation also includes supporting projects from which students benefit and which make everyday study life easier.


Career Center of the UdS

The Career Center of Saarland University is the first point of contact for all questions regarding job applications and the practical organisation of studies. Students can find internships and working student positions as well as positions for career entry at the free job portal. There is a wide range of events on career entry in cooperation with companies and other partners.


University Sports Center

As a central institution of Saarland University, the University Sports Center offers students and employees approximately 600 sports and exercise activities in more than 70 sports disciplines each year. With more than 4,000 participants per week, the University Sports Center is one of the largest sports providers in Saarland.


Faculty of Medicine of the UdS – Medical Psychology

Medical psychology is an independent field within the human science of medicine. It is represented in medical research and medical teaching. In academic education, our focus is on teaching medical psychological and medical sociological skills. A special concern is the teaching of communicative skills and the improvement of doctor-patient communication. Within the framework of the project fit4more - healthy studying we will take over the scientific evaluation of the project.

Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic of the UdS

The Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic is an institution of the Working Unit for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Therapy at the University Outpatient Clinic is closely linked to therapy research. This provides interested patients with the opportunity to support research through voluntary participation in scientific studies and courses. The treatment offered is aimed at adults as well as children and adolescents, especially with depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, reactions to severe stress or traumatic experiences, obsessive-compulsive disorders, psychosomatic disorders and prevention of relapse in patients with psychotic or manic-depressive disorders.

Studierendenwerk Saarland (Saarland Student Services)

University catering service:
Studierendenwerk Saarland operates the dining halls and cafeterias at Saarland's universities. We offer healthy food to students and staff from all over the world. With a large selection of changing, exciting, international and authentic meals, we offer food, from breakfast to dinner, at reasonable prices and always with consideration for the environment and with a claim to sustainability. We put social responsibility at the center of our work.

Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center:
The Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center is available to all students and employees of the UdS and other Saarland universities for free and confidential use. We provide counseling for study and/or personal problems. In addition to individual consultations, we also provide workshops on various topics. Registration is unbureaucratic and can be done by phone, email or in person. In urgent cases, we offer an open consultation hour once a week.

Addiction and social counseling center of the UdS

Prevention in its true sense means the kind of prevention that does not refer to an addiction alone, but to the health and life skills of a person himself.
A person's health and well-being are the most important prerequisites for successful functioning in everyday life.
UdS is committed to working with you to achieve this.

The Counceling Center is committed to student health in the following areas:

  • Questions about abuse and dependence on addictive substances - especially in the selection of therapies as well as clinics, counseling centers or self-help groups,
  • Training in dealing with people addicted to addictive substances.
Techniker Krankenkasse (health insurance fund)

In the area of "Prevention and Health Promotion", the TK offers a needs-oriented and innovative product portfolio and takes an active role in shaping prevention policy. Since almost 20 years, the TK supports and advises companies and universities in the introduction and establishment of a health management. In doing so, a holistic approach is particularly important to the TK. The aim is to improve the general health conditions and contribute to the well-being of everyone. TK's commitment to student health management (SGM) is based on the " Law to Strengthen Health Promotion and Prevention", with which the legislature in 2015 mandated the health insurance funds to strengthen the establishment of health-promoting structures in the university environment, to survey the health situation of students and to support suitable interventions.

Center for Lifelong Learning (ZelL) of the UdS

Key Competencies:
The Key Competencies Program of Saarland University at the Center for Lifelong Learning (ZelL) is aimed at students, teachers, scientists, guest students and other members of the university. The events provide participants with the opportunity to further develop their key competencies for studies, career, teaching and science in small groups. The events and courses are led by experienced experts.

Guest student program:
The guest student program provides those interested in science with the opportunity to put together an individual program from among the hundreds of courses open to guest students. Attending lectures and seminars that are open to guest students has its own special charm because of the encounter of different generations.

In addition to the actual guest student program, the ZelL offers an accompanying program as an "appetizer" (bridge courses, techniques of scientific work, key competence workshops, etc.).


Our regional cooperation partners and supporters


University Sports Center
Student Health Management
fit4more – healthy studying

Dr. Simone Flick 
+49 (0)681/302-57574

Project management & coordination


Cooperating partner

With the kind support of
Techniker Krankenkasse