Additional leisure activities

Welcome to the Meet & Greet Programme

The Meet & Greet programme aims to foster networking and social interaction between doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of all disciplines and from all countries who are working at Saarland University or at the numerous on-campus research institutes. Each event features a cultural highlight and an informal get-together that provides a perfect opportunity to meet new people in a friendly environment.

Participation in the events is free of charge, unless stated otherwise.

Meet & Greet in the winter semester 2023/24

For the winter semester 2023/24, there will be events offered in the Meet & Greet programme again.
From this year on, your contact person will be Chantal Harlos:

"I am 23 years old and pursuing a Bachelor's degree in German Studies and English: Linguistics, Literatures, and Cultures. Through my involvement in the Student Council for German Studies, I am already familiar with event planning and am excited to now organize interestung excursions and activities for you. This semester, we have everything palnnend from game nights to museum tours and a visit to the Saarbrücken Old Town Festival. If you would like to participate in an event, please register via email at meet-greet-phd(at) You can also reach out to me with any questions or specific event requests through this email address.
I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and I am confident that we will have a lot of fun together. See you soon!

July 2024

Overview tour of the Modern Gallery

When: 11.07.24, 2PM; Meeting Point: In front of the Modern Gallery (Bismarckstraße 11-15, 66111 Saarbrücken); Language: English.

We will attend an overview tour of the Modern Gallery, where we will not only see contemporary art but also works that date back to the 19th century. These include pieces from the Berlin Secession, expressionism and informal art. The event is free. Please register via email by July 5th, 2024 if you would like to join and make sure to bring your student card.

August 2024


When? August 20th, 4:00 PM; Meeting Point: In front of Bowlbar32; Language(s): German & English.

Strike! Together, we'll head to Bowlbar32 for a relaxed afternoon. Enjoy the atmosphere and
knock down a few pins. Please register by email by August 10th, as the number of
participants is limited to 10.

September 2024

Trip to Saarschleife

When? September 10th, 11:00 AM; Meeting Point: In front of Saarbrücken Main Station; Language(s): German & English

In September, we'll visit one of Saarland's most famous landmarks. Together, we'll hike to the
Cloef viewpoint and enjoy a breathtaking view of the Saarschleife. Please register by email by
September 2nd, as the number of participants is limited to 15.