Interdisciplinary European Research

Interdisciplinary European research is an academic field of research dedicated to the cross-disciplinary examination of questions that explore different aspects of Europe's past, present and future. The research projects being conducted in this field analyse political, economic, social and cultural developments within Europe as well as Europe's relationship with other parts of the world. Research topics of central significance include European integration, transnational cooperation, identity politics, migration, legal systems, economic relations and cultural exchange.
Research staff and students are working together to develop a deeper understanding of the complex challenges and opportunities that are shaping Europe's future in a globalized world. By supporting a broad range of research projects, encouraging interdisciplinary approaches and fostering international cooperation, the field of interdisciplinary European research is helping to expand our understanding of the dynamic forces shaping Europe and to promote dialogue on these important social issues.
Cluster for European Research (CEUS)
CEUS – Cluster for European Research is a cross-faculty academic institution at Saarland University that provides a network for cooperation and collaboration between the different groups active in the field of interdisciplinary European research. CEUS coordinates the university's diverse range of cross-disciplinary research and teaching activities on Europe and European issues. It helps to shape and inform the topics being addressed in interdisciplinary European research and fosters early career researchers in the field through its graduate study programmes. CEUS is also responsible for communicating the university's European research work to the broader public.

A university with Europe at its heart
With its unique German and French roots Saarland University has always had a strong European focus. Interdisciplinary European research has thus been one of the university's characteristic features. This distinctive European identity is favoured by the university's location close to Germany’s borders with France, Luxembourg and Belgium.
The key research area 'Europe' is complemented by the university's strong international profile in both research and teaching. This international profile is reflected in the wide range of cross-border academic programmes on offer, the large number of international students studying here and the many collaborative projects and exchange programmes conducted with universities and research institutes throughout the world.