Saarland Informatics Campus – A unique research ecosystem in the field of computer science

Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC) one of the leading locations for computer science in Germany and Europe. Cutting-edge collaborative research is being conducted by more than 900 scientists at Saarland University and at four highly respected research institutions.

Around thirty different areas of computer science are being studied at SIC, including:

  • Theoretical computer science and formal methods
  • Algorithms and complexity
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Computer linguistics and language processing
  • Embedded systems

Saarland Informatics Campus

    • Research projects and collaborations

      Computer science research at Saarland University is characterized by highly productive collaborative projects – between the research teams and institutions as well as with business and industrial partners. Visit the research projects portal to learn more about our current research work.

    • Start-ups

      Driving transformational change in business and society – The award-winning start-up ecosphere on the Saarbrücken campus is helping to deliver positive structural change.
