Studying with a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification

A subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (fachgebundene Hochschulreife) entitles the holder to study certain undergraduate degree programmes. Most applicants with a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification have already accumulated academic credits by studying at htw saar (University of Applied Sciences).

Students who have earned 60 ECTS credits from the mandatory and mandatory elective modules in the first year of a degree programme at htw saar can apply to study a limited number of degree programmes at Saarland University in closely related subject areas. For more detailed information, please refer to Sec. 5(4) of the Regulations Governing Entrance Qualifications for Saarland University (Qualifikationsverordnung).

Please note that an entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife) is generally not sufficient for admission to study at a university.

Admissions Office

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 2, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-5491

Admissions Office

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service