About Us


Saarland University and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), as the sponsoring institutions, established the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) in 2009 as one of the first Helmholtz institutes nationwide and cooperate in the field of pharmaceutical research. As part of the further intensification of interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of drug discovery, the sponsoring institutions founded the cooperation platform “PharmaScienceHub” on June 23, 2023, for the cooperative fulfilment of tasks, in which the UdS and, for the HZI, the HIPS are involved.



The PSH creates a regionally, nationally and internationally visible contact point for translational drug research for stakeholders from industry, science and society. As an interfaculty and interdisciplinary facility on the UdS campus, the PSH is available to scientists from a wide range of disciplines, non-university research institutes and industry. With its state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure and central facilities, it provides the basis not only for establishing state-of-the-art drug discovery at the Saarland research location, but also for accelerating it. The overriding goals are the development of innovative pharmaceuticals and forward-looking technologies, the training of highly qualified specialists, and the commercial exploitation of research results through spin-offs and cooperations with industry.

The exceptionally close link between science and the pharmaceutical industry offers the opportunity to significantly advance innovations in a future-oriented and highly interdisciplinary field.