Mandatory mobility periods abroad for Bachelor's degree programmes
Unless otherwise stated, a mobility period abroad can usually be spent either studying at a university abroad or on a work placement, traineeship or internship at a company or organization in another country.
The following information is also available in the relevant study and examination regulations.
English: Linguistics, Literatures, and Cultures
- Six months if main subject
- Three months if subsidiary subject
- For more detailed information, please refer to the departmental web pages
European Studies: Geographies of Europe
- An Erasmus study abroad semester at a European university or
- a European research project conducted abroad
Europawissenschaften: Recht - Politik - Gesellschaft
- Erasmus-Auslandssemester an einer europäischen Hochschule oder
- Europäisches Forschungsprojekt im Ausland oder
- 12 wöchiges Auslandspraktikum
European Studies: Comparative Literary Studies
- An Erasmus study abroad semester at a European university
European Literatures and Media in a Global Context
- A six-week stay abroad or work placement/internship if you have one of the following as your mandatory elective subject: Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies, French Literature and Culture, Italian Literature and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture
Franco-German Studies
- Two semesters at the Université de Lorraine
- Plus a two-month work placement/internship in the partner country
French Cultural Studies and Intercultural Communication
- Five months if main subject
- If subsidiary subject, no mobility period abroad is required
- For more detailed information, please refer to the departmental web pages
Romance Languages and Literatures (French/Italian/Spanish/Spanish as subsidiary subject focusing on Latin America)
- A six-week work placement/internship in a country in which the target language is an official language; applies to both the (extended) main subject and the chosen subsidiary subject
- For more detailed information, please refer to the departmental web pages
Romance Languages and Literatures – Spanish as extended main subject in the double-degree programme with the Universidad de Sevilla
- Two semesters, as third year is spent at the partner university; can only be combined with the subsidiary subjects German Language and Literature or Romance Languages and Literatures (Italian)
Central Student Advisory Service
Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513
Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes
Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.
Quality management