Evaluation (M.A.)

In the winter semester of 2022/2023, Saarland University and htw saar (University of Applied Sciences) will be starting the new advanced professional Master's study programme 'Evaluation'.

The programme has a strong practical focus and provides students with the skills needed to address and engage with evaluation issues from an academic perspective while also preparing them to work as evaluation experts and consultants in the field. This advanced professional study programme teaches participants the core skills and competencies needed to undertake work in quality management and organizational development and opens the door to interesting employment opportunities in many sectors in both the national and international job markets.


Over the last few years, the field of evaluation has grown in importance both in Germany and internationally.

As resources are typically limited, there has been increasing demand for scientifically based methods of assessing whether and to what extent resources are being deployed efficiently and effectively. Evaluation is a special field within the applied social sciences and evaluation methodologies are being used more and more frequently as analytical instruments and decision-making tools. Evaluation is now established as an integral part of numerous decision-making and planning processes in administrative and policy development settings. With quality assurance concepts becoming increasingly widespread, there is a growing need for experts with the relevant skills in the field of evaluation.

As an advanced professional study programme, this Master's degree programme is designed for professionals who have already been working in an appropriate area for at least one year, but this work does not have to have been undertaken specifically in the field of evaluation.

The interdisciplinary character of this advanced professional study programme means that graduates from all disciplines are eligible to apply for admission to the M.A. programme. As about 50% of the teaching is conducted online, the programme provides a realistic framework for balancing work obligations and the academic course load.

Programme structure

The first phase of the programme teaches students the theoretical basics of the subject and introduces them to fundamental aspects of relevant research methodologies and to the practical application of evaluation.

In the second phase, students are given an overview of the policy areas in which evaluation is being used (e.g. education, international cooperation and development, European policy, social services). Selected examples from these areas are then analysed and explored in greater depth to acquaint students with the different approaches, the specific areas of application and the standardized methods used.

The programme content is provided in the following modules:

  • M1 Evaluation Theories (12 credits)
  • M2 Evaluation Methodologies – Fundamentals (10 credits)
  • M3 Evaluation Methodologies – Advanced Aspects (10 credits)
  • M4 Evaluation Management (12 credits)
  • M5 Communication Strategies for Evaluation (8 credits)
  • M6 Policy-Specific Specializations: Introduction (10 credits)
  • M7 Policy-Specific Specializations: Evaluation Case Studies (12 credits)
  • M8 Master’s thesis project and Master’s research colloquium (16 credits)

To complete the programme successfully, students must acquire a total of 90 ECTS credits from the modules listed above.

Students can earn a further 30 ECTS credits from recognized periods of relevant professional experience, which enables them to accumulate the 120 credits required in total for graduation. 

Admission requirements and the application process

Admission requirements

  • Undergraduate degree ('first degree')
  • Relevant professional experience of typically not less than one year

A prior understanding of statistics and the methods of empirical social research and some knowledge relating to specific aspects of the programme's curriculum are recommended but not required.

How to apply

Applications for the winter semester 2024/2025 must vae been received by 15 september 2024.

Application forms and a list of the required supporting documents can be found on the programme web page.


At a glance

Standard period of study4 semesters
Academic qualificationMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Language of instructionGerman
Application deadline (for winter semester 2023/2024)31 August 2023
Tuition fees€1595 per semester
Semester fee€113 per semester
Web pagewww.master-evaluation.de


Programme adviser

Sandra Schopper, M.Eval.
Phone: +49 681 302-4328

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes

Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.

Quality management