Mathematics and Computer Science (M.Sc.)

Solving many of today's problems requires a solid understanding of both mathematics and informatics. Saarland University was quick to recognize this link and established three academic chairs in the combined areas of mathematics and computer science. The Master's degree programme 'Mathematics and Computer Science' is unique in Germany as it offers students the opportunity to study this important field with equal weighting given to each discipline.


The M.Sc. programme 'Mathematics and Computer Science' requires students to accumulate a total of 120 ECTS credits (120 CP). Typically, students should aim to acquire 30 credits per semester.

Students can earn a total of 42 credits during the compulsory stage of the programme; 30 credits for the Master's thesis and 12 for the accompanying Master's thesis seminar. The Master's thesis is to be completed within six months. Before completing their thesis, each student must contribute successfully to the Master's thesis seminar on a subject directly related to the project work carried out for the student's thesis.

In the compulsory elective part of the programme, students must acquire at least 78 credits. The compulsory elective part of the curriculum includes practical training phases, modules from core lecture courses, advanced lecture courses or seminars in the fields of mathematics and computer science; work performed as a course tutor or supervisor in problem-solving classes, language courses, soft-skills seminars, industrial work placements or internships, or departmental or university-related administrative duties. For further information, please consult the study regulations.


Graduates from the Saarland University programme have excellent career prospects in all of the fields in which mathematicians and computer scientists traditionally work. Exciting job opportunities also arise in research and development departments, in the financial sector, e-commerce, the automotive and mechanical engineering industries, in the medical and health sectors, in the pharmaceutical industry and in telecommunications. With their knowledge and skills in both academic disciplines, graduates are well placed to provide balanced input and to benefit from the very varied career opportunities open to them.


Students seeking admission to the M.Sc. programme 'Mathematics and Computer Science' will need to fulfil the following admission requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree from a German university or an equivalent qualification from a foreign university either in a subject area that closely combines mathematics and computer science, or in a related discipline.
  • Proof of advanced proficiency in English (GER: C1, TOEFL: 95/120, IELTS: 7.0/9.0)
  • Proof of subject-specific knowledge and skills corresponding to those taught in the Bachelor's degree programme 'Mathematics and Computer Science' at Saarland University. Specifically, this requires applicants to show that they have the necessary level of expertise in the following areas:
    1) Mathematics (analysis, linear algebra, numerical methods, stochastics)
    2) Computer science and informatics (functional and object-oriented programming, algorithms and data structures, software development methods, theoretical informatics)
  • Evidence of the applicant's particular interest in the subject in the form of a personal statement written by the applicant and two letters of recommendation written by referees who know the applicant academically.

Das Studium kann zum Wintersemester und zum Sommersemester aufgenommen werden. Bewerbungsfristen sind der 15. Mai für das Wintersemester und der 15. November für das Sommersemester. Die Bewerbung erfolgt über das Online-Bewerbungsportal der Saarbrücker Informatik, wo Sie auch weitere Informationen zu Bewerbung und Zulassung finden.


At a glance

Standard period of study4 semesters
Language of instructionEnglish
English language requirementsGER: C1, TOEFL: 95/120, IELTS: 7.0/9.0
Restricted entryNo
Application deadlineWinter semester: 15 May
Summer semester: 15 November
Tuition feesNot applicable
Semester feeSee current fee structure
Web pageSaarland Informatics Campus


Course adviser

Prof. Dr. Peter Ochs
Campus Saarbrücken
Building E1 1, Room 4.06
66123 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 681 302 70 149

Study Coordination
of Computer Science
Frau Rahel Stoike-Sy
Frau Barbara Schulz-Brünken
Saarland Informatics Campus
Building E1 3, R.R.207-209
66123 Saarbrücken



Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service

Accredited study programmes

Saarland University was one of the first universities in Germany to achieve Quality Assurance Accreditation and has held the Accreditation Council's official quality mark continuously since 2012.

Quality management