Eastern European Partnerships

For over thirty years, Saarland University has had cooperative links with universities in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, South-East Europe and the Caucasus. The cooperative agreements between Saarland University and the participating institutions aim to encourage and promote a wide range of collaborative projects in both research and teaching across all academic disciplines.

The objective of this academic partnership programme is to help foster the internationalization of the higher-education sector by collaborating with partner countries where political ties have been – and, in some cases, still are – difficult to establish, but whose universities have always been part of the European academic and higher education tradition.

The main source of support and funding for these cooperative links has come from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), particularly its Eastern European Partnerships Programme (Ostpartnerschaften) and its 'Go East' travel grant initiative. In fact, funding is also now available from the EU's Erasmus+ programme.

In the database, you will find the partner universities for the DAAD Eastern European Partnerships Programmes.

What do these programmes offer students and teaching staff at Saarland University?

What do these programmes offer students and teaching staff from our partner universities?


Ekaterina Klüh
International Office
Eastern European Programmes

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Room 2.21

Phone: +49 681 302-71106
Fax: +49 681 302-71101