
At the PharmaScienceHub (PSH), Saarland University (UdS) and the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) have been pooling their expertise in the field of drug discovery since 2023 and strengthening collaboration with the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry at national and international level.

Developing urgently needed pharmaceuticals that help against infections, cancer or age-related diseases more quickly and efficiently – this is the goal that the UdS and HIPS are pursuing with the new cooperation platform “PharmaScienceHub” (PSH). Through it, Saar University and HIPS aim to further expand their interdisciplinary collaboration in biomedical-pharmaceutical drug discovery, clinical medicine and (bio)informatics.

In order to optimize promising research results and drug candidates more quickly for use as medicines and bring them to market, the university and the Helmholtz Institute will also cooperate closely with partners from the pharmaceutical and biotech industries on a national and international level.

The PharmaScienceHub will bring together more than 20 research groups and more than 300 researchers at the Saarbrücken and Homburg sites: From the fields of natural product research, medicinal chemistry, drug delivery, clinical research, and bio- and chemo-informatics.

As a new core element of research, an international graduate school has been established thanks to an EU funding program; here, 15 international doctoral students will be trained in drug research over the next five years, each supervised by at least two scientists from complementary disciplines.