Applying for higher-semester entry

  • This information only applies to first-degree programmes.
  • This information only applies to restricted-entry degree programmes.
  • This information is for students who want to transfer to Saarland University from another university and continue studying the same subject, for students already at Saarland University who want to switch subjects and join the new programme in a higher semester, and those who plan to continue with their degree programme after interrupting their studies. It applies to German nationals, as well as to foreign nationals with a German higher education entrance qualification (HEEQ) and those with an HEEQ from another country.

If you have any questions about the SIM portals (e.g. how to log in, submit an application, etc.), please visit our help pages. There you will find information, videos and step-by-step instructions.

SIM portal help pages

To access the SIM portals, please make sure that you are using the latest version of one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge. Apple Safari and Internet Explorer are not fully supported at the present time. If you are experiencing difficulties with your log-in data, please delete your browsing data in your browser, close the browser and then try logging in again.

Information on application and admission


Students who want to be admitted to a higher subject semester in a restricted-entry degree programme must observe the following submission deadlines:

  • winter semester: 15 July
  • summer semester: 15 January

Required documentation

You will need to include scans of the following documents when you submit your application for admission in the SIM portals:

  • Higher education entrance qualification
  • The certificate of enrolment from the university you were last studying at, including the name of the academic programme and the number of semesters studied
  • Proof of proficiency in German, if applicable.
  • Students transferring from another university in Germany but not changing subject must provide proof of credits earned from previous academic coursework or assessments (certificates of academic attainment, transcript of records). Students at Saarland University who are switching to a different subject and joining the new programme in a higher semester, or foreign nationals currently studying abroad who plan to transfer to Saarland University must provide evidence of any decisions made by the examination offices at Saarland University or by the relevant State Examination Office for the Accreditation of School Teachers (Staatliche Prüfungsamt) regarding academic placement assessments or recognition of transferable academic credits. If you only receive some of the required documents after you have submitted your admission application, you may upload the missing documentation via the SIM portals at a later date. In this case, the following deadlines apply: no later than 30 September if you are seeking admission in the winter semester or no later than 31 March if you are seeking admission in the summer semester. Please note that you, the applicant, are personally responsible for contacting the relevant examinations office and for uploading the necessary documentation (certificates, transcripts).

International applicants

A list of the documents that international applicants must submit for a higher semester can be found under: International applicants.

Admission procedure

Students who want to be admitted into a higher semester in restricted-entry degree programme can join the programme in the winter semester only if they will then be in an odd-numbered study semester; equally, they can join in the summer semester only if they will then be in an even-numbered study semester (exceptions: Pharmaceutical Science and the clinical phase of a medical degree).

Once your application has been processed, the result will be sent to you in writing usually in the week before the start of the main teaching period or in the first week of the main teaching period. If you have not received a letter of admission by then, you should probably assume that your application was rejected. The enrolment deadline and further information about the enrolment process will be included in your letter of admission.

If you previously studied for the same degree programme elsewhere in Germany and if during that time you lost the right of examination, you will not be eligible for admission to Saarland University.

Special provisions regarding degree programmes in

Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Science

Please submit all relevant credit transfer certificates. Note: If you are applying for admission to the clinical phase of a degree in medicine or dentistry, you are not required to submit proof of the academic credits acquired during the pre-clinical phase.


Students changing university in the same degree programme must also submit placement certificates. Here you will find information and contacts on the subject of changing your degree programme in Psychology: Studienortwechsel Psychologie (in German).


Students who want to transfer from another university to study biology at Saarland University will need to submit a record of recognition of prior learning (Einstufungsbescheinigung).

Björn Diehl
Phone: +49 681 302-3926


Students who want to transfer from another university to study law at Saarland University will need to submit a record of recognition of prior learning (Einstufungsbescheinigung).

Silke U. Baumgärtner
Phone: +49 681 302-2003, -3100


Quereinsteiger können das Lehramtsstudium in einem höheren Fachsemester nur dann fortführen, wenn für alle drei Fächer (beide Lehramtsfächer sowie das Fach Bildungswissenschaften) ein Einstufungsbescheid vom Zentralen Prüfungssekretariat für die Lehramtsstudiengänge ausgestellt werden kann.

Umfasst dabei die gewünschte Lehramtskombination mindestens ein zulassungsbeschränktes Lehramtsfach, so ist außerdem eine Bewerbung für ein höheres Fachsemester bis zum 15. Juli (Wintersemester) bzw. 15. Januar (Sommersemester) über das SIM-Portal erforderlich. Noch nicht vorhandene Einstufungsbescheide können bis Ende September (Wintersemester) bzw. Ende März (Sommersemester) der Online-Bewerbung nachgereicht werden.

Bei einer Kombination von zwei zulassungsfreien Lehramtsfächern kann die Einschreibung in ein höheres Fachsemester bis Ende September (Wintersemester) bzw. bis Ende März (Sommersemester) über das SIM-Portal unter Vorlage der entsprechenden Einstufungsbescheide für alle drei Fächer erfolgen.

Zentrales Prüfungssekretariat für Lehramtsstudiengänge
Tel.: 0681 302-3817

Admissions Office

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 2, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-5491

Admissions Office

Central Student Advisory Service

Saarbrücken Campus
Building A4 4, Ground floor
Phone: +49 681 302-3513

Central Student Advisory Service